Little O' This, Wedded Bliss

What’s Up, Shortstuff?

I got a schwack of hair cut off today and it feels good. I have been tired of the bulky mat at the nape of my neck and this new style is light and free and will take one-quarter the time to blow dry and manage.


When Steve got home he didn’t really jump for joy at the sight of my new cut. A while later I mentioned, “So, I’m assuming you don’t like the style since you haven’t said anything.”

“No, it’s not bad,” he countered.

“Well, I like it. It will be a lot easier to manage and it’s nice to get rid of the unruly thickness.”

“So, basically, it’s a full-fledged Mom ‘Do?” he asked.

Then I sat on him.



  • You look great, Amanda!

  • I love it! It looks great on you:) But then again, so would a potato sack…so you’ve got that going for you!:)

    I have a mom-do too…and so not a mom yet.

  • I love it! My husband would have said the same thing. What’s with men and their weird fascination with long hair?

  • Delurking to say that your hair looks fantastic! I love it. Who knows why men like long hair so much? I think a man likes the idea of a woman’s long hair flowing in the breeze while he drives a convertible. Of course, they don’t have the hassle of taking care of said long hair! :)

  • Mom ‘Do? Seriously?

    Maybe Steve should stick to commentary on farming, because all I see is a completely chic style. :)

  • It looks AMAZING. I was hoping you’d post a photo tonight!

    See you in the morning :)

  • Sorry, but I gotta agree with Whoorl. While a fabulous husbandthing, Steve’s knowledge of Follicle History is limited. Everyone from Louise Brooks to Victoria Beckham to the SlackMistress rocked the stylistically superior bob!


  • Ya, tell hubs to sit and spin.

    I dig it! Looks way hip to be a mom ‘do.

  • I’m loving it! It’s totally NOT a mom-do.

  • Love it!

    I have a Mom ‘do. No shape, no style and more often than not it’s in a lame ponytail.

  • Um, I think it’s totally hot. What does Steve know? ;)

  • Looks fab as always!

  • Dang! I’m a mom and I wished my hair looked that good. Men!

    My husband commented about a suit I was going to wear to court one day. I looked at him to see what Mr. Fashion was wearing to go to Wal-Mart.
    Black Planet Hollywood t-shirt
    Aqua blue SWIM trunks
    white tube socks
    white old man tennis shoes.

    I told him I would be rocking the courthouse with my suit and I did.

  • I like it! My husband is the same when it comes to hair comments. What is it with guys and long hair?

  • I love it! That is definately NOT a “mom ‘do”!!! It looks great!

  • it looks fantastic!

  • Total vixen.

  • Love your hair! It’s so cute. Guys have no clue about how annoying it is to take care of long hair, especially since their hair is like an inch long.

  • LOVE IT!!!
    I think it looks great!…it is sooo not a mom do

  • Well, if it’s a “mom do” I totally want one too.

  • I think it looks GREAT! I have to say, I have been reading your blog for a long time, and your hair has changed a lot in that time. You somehow manage to pull every single style off and look fabulous!

    “mom” do? Puh-LEASE! Hott mama do is more like it! :D

  • I love it! So cute!

  • That’s not a Mom ‘do! It’s trendy and cute! I like it.

  • You just might be a redneck if you pose with your new haircut in front of the chicken coop and an abandoned vehicle.

  • Love it!!!

  • Completely adorable! No whining from the husband set, although mine would whine, too. I am growing mine out until my um…. big un-numbered birthday that is coming up, then THWACK! Off it is coming, I told Hubby that this is his last chance to enjoy my hair with any length.

  • Love the hair cut! Super flattering on your face and it has no semblence of a a ‘mom-do.’

  • Your Dad is hilarous. :)

  • ehhhhhhhhh this jersey girl would just like to counter– that is NOT a mom do. the end.

    it’s very cute. me likie.

  • Very cute! Love it!

  • Totally glam. Don’t trust him for a second! ;)

  • If that’s a “mom do’, then everybody wants to be a mom!
    Looks great.

  • Super stylish and modern! It looks awesome. I have a similar cut but my hair is unruly and wavy and I can only wish it looked as good as it does on you.

  • Steve’s been hitting the crack pipe hard lately, i see. That is NOT a mom do. If it was shoulder length and flipped out…well yeah…or teased to high heavens because you were still channeling the 80’s and 90’s…then yeah. This hair is super chic! Oh Steve, Steve,Steve. Go put your camo paint pants back on! Kidding. I love it Firecakes…you one fly girl.

  • I don’t like this cut on everyone, but you pull it off with flying colors (mixed metaphor anyone). I really don’t think you could ever look bad–even with a shaved head! (Please don’t shave your head.)

  • Amanda – All you have to do is show Steve that comment from Whoorl. If Whoorl deems it a great cut then IT IS SO. What more do you need than approval from the Hair Thursday godess herself?

    And I personally think that is a fab cut for you and SOOOOO not a mom ‘do!

  • it is a fabulous cut and you have the long, graceful neck to pull it off. very elegant. you go girl.

  • Can I just say, I have the same haircut and LOVE it? You will LOVE it…it is not even considered a mom-do anymore…trust me. It is hot, and a lot of hollywood ladies have it, too. Anyway, you don’t know me, but somehow I stumbled upon your blog, and really like reading it! Read mine someday! Take care…

  • I just love it. I hope you sat on him good…and none of that keep-your-feet-on-the-ground-sitting, like-girls-always-do…

  • There’s no way you could call that a mom-do!! It’s a really fabulous cut.

  • It’s so much less “Mom” and so much more “Momacita!” Which I probably did not spell correctly, at all. But, seriously? HOT. I love it.

  • i loved your new “do” so much…i went to New Image and asked Dionne for an “Amanda”!

    but it’s longer…

  • You are so beautiful. I love the new hair cut as well.

  • I hate it when women just decide to cut their hair off. It’s such a turn off. Why is it that a girl who has had nice long hair all her life, gets married, has kids, then decides to have a lesbian haircut? You husband is attracted to long hair because he doesn’t have it. Why would he want to look at someone who looks like a boy? I know your hair isn’t as short as some women cut it, but you get my point?

  • Tres chic!! Or something like that. Fabulous!!

  • I LOVE IT!!!! The style looks great on you!

  • Hey Amanda
    Your hair looks so sweet. Guys have a tendancy to want long hair in their lady’s life. Do they look after it? nahhh. Even at 50 Darwin still wants my hair long. I don’t protest at this point, but when it spends more time in a pony tail than down…then I will re look at shorter cuts.

    So excited about your up and coming “wee one”

    Hugs and Prayers
    Jackie & Darwin

  • I think it looks fantastic, great length for spring and summer. And men don’t usually know what they are talking about when it comes to hair. They are able to get out of bed, put a comb through their hair, splash some water on their face, brush their teeth and walk out the door. I wish it was as easy as that, but since I need two kinds of product and two different hot appliances to do my hair that isn’t going to happen in the near future.

  • Yeah, dudes like long hair. Or mine would be in a pixie cut right now. The extra time styling is worth it for my guy to look at me like I’m super sexy.

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