Little O' This, My Girl, Pregnancy

Gettin’ Biggie With It

It’s so nice that the daylight hours are starting so early in the day. When I wake up there are sunbeams streaming into our living room and it makes for such a lovely start to the morning. Unless that morning begins at 5:18. Seems Avelyn didn’t want to miss a moment of the sunshine and was up for the day at the crack of dawn. All I could do was lay on the couch and will my eyelids to stay open while she ran around the house and the deck. Then she starting smooshing her face into the screen door. All this before six a.m.


Summer has officially arrived and we have been spending our days at the park and the beach and I just love it. Especially since I can bust out all my lighter maternity clothes and let it all hang out, as they say.


You know how some days you just wake up and think, “I am pretty sure I am twice the size I was yesterday.” Well, that’s been happening to me a lot. I am only six months along but feel like I look more like eight. Many times in a day I’ll catch a glimpse of my reflection and wonder, “Who is that rotund woman with the bad hair following me?” Oh. Right. It’s me.

And yes, the hair is bad these days. I am growing it out and it’s got a mind of its own. The back end refuses to lie flat and is all, “Weee! Flipping out is awesome! A tad 2002, but awesome nonetheless!” while the rest of my hair is somewhat cooperative.


Just another inch or so and I’ll be able to coax it into a ponytail and forget about it.

Happy long weekend, all!


  • We are getting that same gorgeous weather here too! Such a treat. We had a picnic in the backyard today.

    You look wonderful. Nothing new about that. :)

  • Don’t you love the weather?

    Oh and the I love your profile shots on the deck :)

    YAY! for being 6 months along.

  • You look lovely and vibrant.

    Hope your weekend is as beautiful as ours is (supposed to be).

  • Awesome. You look great. We were up that early, with you, this am… with Susannah trying to claw my eyes out and slobber up my nose… it was great.

  • Funny my little Katie was up at 5:17 this morning…what’s up with that? By the way- love the top! You look great mama!

  • Funny my little Katie was up at 5:17 this morning…what’s up with that?

  • You are looking positively radiant, Amanda.

  • You’re looking great and I love that view off your deck. Avelyn is looking good too, smushed and all!

  • You look amazing, per usual. I can’t believe I have not seen you all week!

    Tomorrow morning, then :)

  • It’s totally light here by 5:18 in the morning. Actually I was up at midnight having a snack (don’t ask) and the sky wasn’t completely dark…

    I still love the hair – I understand how it’s more work but there’s something great about not having hair on your neck…

  • i love your hair! the flips look like they’re supposed to be like that! funky…not ugly!

  • i have no idea what you are talking about. you’re adorably pregnant and i like the hair. this is coming from a jersey girl! believe me. you look great! (just sayin…)

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