Pregnancy, Weight

Pride Goeth…

Yeah.  Totally gained three pounds since last week, according to the doctor’s scale this morning.  I am never blogging about any minor accomplishments or positive happenings ever again since they DISAPPEAR the next day.

I’m off to eat a dozen brownies.  Happy weekend, all.


  • Yummm….. brownies!

  • The doctor’s scale is ALWAYS higher. I stand by that assessment.

  • Fooey! And I agree, the doctor’s scale is higher!

  • Oh, sweetie. YOU LOOK AMAZING. We’ve talked about this all before, but you KNOW it will all come off later.

    Enjoy the brownies in the meantime ;)

  • The doctor’s scale IS always higher! You weigh yourself at home, in the morning, after you pee and before you shower and then you go to the doctor where you have all your clothes on and have had breakfast, and the number is NEVER the same!

  • Pounds schmounds. Enjoy your pregnancy. You don’t get to do it that often. A chronic weekly sale on pints of Ben & Jerry’s at my local grocer was totally my downfall. But the task of creating, growing and bearing another person deserves some treats. (Some serious treats.)

    You still look fantastic, and even if you didn’t, you need to cut yourself some breaks. You haven’t gotten out of control, and I think that’s what’s most important. If you’d gained 15 pounds in a week, then that’s time to take a breather. But 3? That’s no biggie.

  • I tried to keep my eyes closed this week when they weighed me and I just couldn’t. I had to know. But I HATE watching the number go up, even though I KNOW I am supposed to gain weight and am actually enjoying doing it.

    Only a few more weeks and then you’ll be in control of your body again! Yay!

  • 3 pounds comes and goes pretty easily at your stage of the game. Cheer up. During my last pregnancy, I was going for 0 weight gain, because I was so big to start with. I think I ended up gaining 5 lbs overall, and that was decent. I think you’re doing great.

  • been reading for months, and have to delurk to say that you are utterly adorable, no matter how much weight you’ve gained.

    besides … it’s almost over;)

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