Life of Leisure (Bah!), My Girl, My Girl 2.0

Scaling the Curve

I have taken a step away from the computer this week, out of sheer lack of hours.  Here are some things I have learned in the meantime:

1.  How to successfully grocery shop with two children perched in my cart.

2.  How one cannot expect to eat whatever the heck she wants for nine months of pregnancy and then expect to lose 20 pounds in her first three days of healthy eating.

3.  It’s too early to start worrying about my (lack of a) waistline.  I’ll think about it in January.  Until then, let the baking commence!

4.  The frozen food aisle at the grocery store is filled with manna from heaven.

5.  How to simultanesouly pump, feed a baby, and cuddle a toddler.

6.  Avelyn is a fabulous big sister.

7.  Jolie continues to be a dream baby.

8.  A clean house is overrated.  But a mildly tidy one restores the soul.

9.  Bedtime is the best part of every day.

10.  Leaving the house before 10 am is a pipe dream.  Between the pumping, the feeding, the changing of diapers, and the off-chance that I might actually need a shower, it’s quite the ordeal getting everyone out the door.  I am slowly getting the hang of it, though.


  • I still have a hard time getting out of the house before 10! You’re doing a great job.

  • Learning curve has been officially learned. You pass! whoop whoop! way to go, supermom!!

  • Also, tell Jolie and Avelyn that cousin shelley is coming soon and she brings gifts! :)

  • It IS hard! I’m glad you’re getting the hang of it though. A clean house IS overrated.

  • I’m giving up on the clean house too – tidy is good enough for me! :)

  • You rock!

  • You are doing an amazing job, my friend. Seriously. You make it look easy :)

  • Good for you! It sounds like you are doing a fabulous job!

  • You forgot #11, which is how Amanda seems to be able to skillfully balance baby,toddler,apple harvest widowhood & fit into skinny jeans after only 3 wks.
    Geez Louise, I’m impressed!!

  • Wow. Very amazing, indeed. I’ll call you when I’m blessed with a second child. :)

    You’ve got your hands full!!

  • do you know your blog is listed on this blackhat site?

  • I can honestly vouch for the fact that you look AMAZING post-little one. Really.

  • It is great to hear that things are going well. Smooth transitions are the best encouragement.

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