Hungry Mondays, Weight

Hungry Mondays, Week Four: Break On Through To The Other Side!


Last week:  154

This week:  151

Can I get a “BOOYAH!”?  Thanks.  I feel great.  Looks like once I deflated a little from the good ol’ period bloat, my weight loss took a turn for the better.  It feels so good to see some honest progress and I am so happy that I pressed on and didn’t take that naked swan dive into the vat of cream cheese icing I had been eyeing.

I have a confession, however:  I went over my Points this week.  See, it was Steve’s birthday this weekend and as such we went out for dinner to a place where I couldn’t determine the exact Point value of the foods I ate.  I was pretty sure that I went a little bit over (yam fries and garlic aioli and milkshakes, oh my!), but I knew I was having a good week so I didn’t fret.  Then last night while I was watching a movie I had the urge to munch on something salty so even though my daily Points had been used up and I had already gone a tad over my Flex Points during the birthday festivities, I ponied up the pantry and poured myself a bowl of veggie crisps.  I felt a little guilty, but then I was like, “They’re VEGETABLES.  Don’t beat yourself up.”  I think it’s progress because being the all-or-nothing person I am, I could have decided to totally blow it and inhale an entire cake since I was already a little over my allotted Points.  But no.  I had veggie crisps.  This is big.  And the scale reflected my (slightly wayward) dedication.

I was talking to Christy this week and she asked, “So, are your clothes fitting differently as you’re losing more weight?”

To which I replied, “Well, I guess.  Before they were waaay too tight and now they’re just a little too tight.”

Yeah.  Still got a ways to go.

See you next week!


  • Good work Amanda! I told you this week would be better after you lost the bloat. :)

  • I’m not sure how I stumbled upon your blog, but I’ve been reading for a little over a week now, and I thought it was time to reveal myself! :) I too, am on WW, although I have just a TAD bit more weight to lose then you do. I just wanted to say congrats! Keep up the good work!!


  • You look hot, regardless of what weight you are. SO NOT FAIR.

  • Your first go-around with weight watchers inspired me & after I had my baby, I gave it a try. I didn’t even follow it by the book, and like you said, I went over ever so often and I always felt like crap when I did, but somehow managed to lose 27 pounds. 20 points a day sure isn’t much, but I have never felt better in my life. It makes a world of difference. If I can do it, you can do it!! :)

  • Woohoo!!! Good for you! :)

  • Yay you!

  • I started reading your blog about the time that Avelyn was born. I enjoyed getting daily to weekly updates on your life with a newborn/toddler. But, are we really only going to recieve updates on your weight loss from here on out? I commend you for going for it, but frankly…who cares? You are a healthy woman who just had a baby…so what if you have a few extra pounds…isn’t that normal?

    I hope to see more updates on your real life..such as the farm…how Avelyn is doing with her baby sister…are you going through the same trials and tribulations with the baby that you did Avelyn? I hope I don’t have to stop reading!!

  • Here’s your BOOYAH!! and I raise you a WahHOOO!!

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