Hungry Mondays, Weight

Hungry Mondays, Week Six: A Plateau Is Better Than What Could Have Been


Last week: 150

This week: 150

Under normal circumstances I would be disappointed by my lack of weight loss.  However, I find this plateau a victory.  See, we were away in Vancouver all weekend celebrating a milestone birthday for Steve’s mom.  There was insanely delicious food surrounding me for three days straight.  I used up all of my Flex Points on Friday night so when Saturday morning came and I smelled bacon cooking in my mother-in-law’s kitchen I thought, “Well, I’m already a little over my Points; may as well make the entire weekend a write-off and start the day off right with two pounds of pig fat!”  But I made myself aware of that inclination and decided to fight it.  I poured myself  bowl of multi-grain cheerios while everyone else ate bacon and buttered toast; I had a bowl of steamed rice when everyone else was eating sauce-soaked noodles at a Mongolian restaurant; while we watched a movie and everyone else ate baked goods I chomped on a high-fiber granola bar and some rice cakes.  I am quite certain that I still went over my recommended Points this week but I feel proud of myself that I didn’t cave and eat the entire city of Vancouver.

Later, you weight watchers.


  • That’s a huge accomplishment. Way to go!

  • Good for you! I probably would have caved.

    I have to tell you, I admire you for losing weight during the holidays! I’ve gained a little over the past few months, although not because of a baby, and I have told myself that I’ll start in January.

    Good luck on the rest of your Weight Watchers journey!

  • This gives me hope. Keep up the good work so you can be my inspiration!

  • WOW. You ROCK! I would’ve caved too!

  • That is GREAT! Good for you for making such smart choices.

  • You are a superstar! And can I just say how HOT you looked in that dress on Friday night! You are a total babe Amanda! :P
    P.S. Sorry I didn’t get to say goodbye, bye.

  • I am so impressed! I am one of those people who if I fall off the wagon just a little bit, I might as well leap! I started back onto the 5-Factor diet today and so far, so good.

    One video I always look to for inspiration is:

    and I haven’t even had a baby, but this woman is incredible!

  • great plateauing!

  • You are doing so well! I hope you had a fun weekend.

  • Wow, you are so strong! Good for you.

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