Friends Are Swell, Little O' This, My Girl, My Girl 2.0

To Make Your Heart Grow Fonder

Blogging has taken a backseat to mornings at the beach, sweeping sand off of kids’ bum cheeks, worming used cigarette butts out of Jolie’s mouth by the shore, fishing daily logs out of Avelyn’s swim diapers, reading Anne Lamott in the afternoons, playing at the park with friends, the occasional girls’ night out, play dates aplenty, watching disappointing summer television in the evenings, and so on and so forth. 

If things stay quiet around here, it just means I’m having a really good summer. Here’s hoping you are too!


  • I’m so jealous of your Okanagan summer!!

  • I’ll be at the beach with you guys starting next week. Woo!

  • Sounds like fun! Enjoy it and I’m sure you hear it plenty but man does Jolie ever remind me of Avelyn!!

  • I’m so glad you’re having a good summer!! That first photo of Avelyn is awesome. I love the expression on her face.

  • Wow, does Jolie ever look like your Mom! Sweet life!

  • That sounds like a good time! Vancouver was too chilly today to even want to frolick at the beach.

  • your girls are just perfect! turds, cigarette butts and all!!

  • I love the vintage-y feel of your photos :)

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