My Girl, My Girl 2.0

Wordish Wednesday

Karenna loves the Dyson! Loves. As soon as I fire it up, she come beetling over and climbs all over it.

It creates a powerful gust of wind out the back of the canister and her favourite thing to do is stand there and let the wind blow her hair around. In the photo below she looks so exultant, just drinking in the power of the almighty Dyson.

Avelyn started preschool this week. One word: hallelujah. 

She had a great morning there and is excited to go back tomorrow.

And can you believe it’s Karenna’s birthday tomorrow?! This time last year I was 762 pounds and grumpy, hoping to get on the induction list the next morning. Now I’m svelte and full of joy, hoping the year ahead is as perfect as the past one. Hahahahahahhaaaaaa!


  • Happy Birthday Karenna! And happy preschool Avelyn!

  • OMG that has got to be the BEST PICTURE I HAVE EVER SEEN. She looks so… FIERCE standing beside that vacuum!

  • Yeah, crazy tat the year has gone so fast. Happy Birthday, little dear. Many blessings!!

  • Those vacuum photos are priceless. I can’t stop laughing.

  • Oh my gosh, we are getting Lulu and Karenna together for some vacuum fun. I can no longer pull the canister around the house because she is attached to it the moment I turn the vacuum on.

    We’ve got a week until school starts, not sure if I am going to make it….

  • That second photo seriously made my night.

  • wow is karenna walking already? (i mean i know her birthday is coming up..but i only have boys…they wait until they’re about 15 before they start walking)

    and you’re lucky she loves the vacuum! moses is terrified he runs away crying. (and he’s TWO!)

    avelyn looks adorable all ready for school!!!

  • Yahoo! Another kindred spirit who loves her vacuum as I do! Way to go Karenna!
    How did Avelyn grow up so quickly? Love that shot

  • You never cease to make me laugh, my friend. I’m so glad that you get those mornings when Avelyn’s at preschool with just you and Karenna. Pretty awesome. I hope Avelyn loves preschool!!

  • Karenna reminds me of when I was little and used to ride around on our vacuum while my mom was cleaning. I loved the sounds and wind blowing.
    Have you seen the dyson hand dryers in public washrooms yet?! Now those are miracles you don’t have to touch anything and the water is sucked right off your hands in seconds! If the hand dryer is that powerful I’m going to need to get one of these wonderful machines for my house.

  • Hallelujah indeed!! You sould train Karenna to do the vacuuming FOR you! She’s old enough now, no?

  • I can’t believe she is one already. Avelyn is looking so grown up. Enjoy your mornings with only one girl at home!!

  • Best. Photos. EVER.

  • Love the windy pic. Love. It.

  • Happy Birthday, little monkey!

  • Yay, happy birthday Karenna!!!!!

  • Love the dyson wind pic. She may be a rock star!

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