Little O' This, My Girl, My Girl 2.0


The days have been long ’round these parts. The kids (well, one in particular) have been nightmarish, leaving me at my wit’s end even before sunrise. I am thankful for photos like this, that remind me it’s worth it.

Upon the recommendation of a fellow blogger I have started reading a book called Connected Parenting and it is rocking my world. I have read many parenting books and have found most of them to provide small nuggets of truth that I have agreed with and implemented. But never before have I read something that has felt as though it was written exactly for my child, the challenges we’re facing, and the parenting philosophy I would like to strive for. I am about halfway through the book, but I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone out there who’s feeling the urge to punt her three year-old off her two-story deck. Not that I’d know what that feels like.

And now, a little of this and a dash of that:

In other news, I am fully freaked out about H1N1 and am planning on getting the vaccine, assuming there are still some available. You?

In even more disturbing news, our DVD player is broken. Having a child who hasn’t napped since 2007 means that our DVD player is usually hot to the touch from overuse, and it’s been quite the adjustment for us. 

We are holding steady in fourth place in that Home Depot contest! (We have to be in the top five to be entered in the final draw.) Thanks for your votes and if you feel the urge to vote again (here’s the link again), please don’t fight it. (The contest closes November 1.) (Parentheses are fun!)

My favourite TV shows are: Big Love, 30 Rock, Mad Men, Lost, The Office, Glee, Grey’s Anatomy, and America’s Next Top Model. What about you? Any great shows that I might not have heard of that I need to waste countless hours catching up on previous seasons of? It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.

I have just started a six-week commitment to Weight Watchers and feel like punting myself off our deck. These last ten (*cough, 20, cough*) pounds are going to be the death of me.

That’s about it! I hope you have a lovely weekend waiting for you.


  • Go Amanda!! Sounds like you have lots going in your life right now. I have been looking for a good parenting book and might check out the one you suggested.
    I will be getting the H1N1 vaccine..we get it at work in November. We have also been ‘fit tested’ for our masks so we can take care of all the H1N1 people that come to the hospital. Ahh!!!

  • You are such a funny writer, I really enjoy reading your posts. I have a couple responses to what you wrote:

    1. I am an elementary school teacher and kids in my school got H1N1 a few weeks ago (no one seriously sick…all have recovered or are recovering to my knowledge) and I caught it. It was horrible, but it passed. Don’t be too scared! Just take sickness seriously and go to the Dr. right away!

    I also watch most of the shows you listed (especially obsessed with Mad Men and Glee right now). My husband and I have been watching Fringe since it started and are really getting in to it. It’s a bit like Lost in that it’s very suspenseful.

    Good luck with Weight Watchers! You can do it!

  • I may have to check out that book, since I have that feeling a lot. If I had a two-story house, anyway.

    Everything about H1N1 scares the crap out of me. From the vaccine to the flu itself. I’ve come to realize it’s one of those damned if you do, damned if you don’t kind of things. I just wish we could hibernate all winter.

  • I’m not getting the H1N1 vaccine because I reacted horribly to the regular flu vaccine a few years ago. I’m taking my chances with the swine!

    I’m a huge fan of the show Bones (and there are multiple past seasons for you to catch up on.) Bones and Booth need to hurry up and kiss already. That’s pretty much all I’ve got to say about that.

  • I know we talked about all of this (and more) yesterday, but we never talked about the vaccine.

    We’re not doing it. We’re going to take our chances…

  • 1. None of us are getting the vaccine. I don’t like needles and I think flu shots are dumb. That’s just me :)

    2. I’d survive if our DVD player broken, but if our cable AND our DVD player broke? I’d lose it.

    3. (I voted for you.) (And I also love parentheses.)

    4. I’m with you on the Glee and ANTM. I don’t watch the other shows (not that I don’t like them, I just don’t watch them) (don’t know why). I like Mercy, Trauma, 90210, House, Law & Order SVU, Survivor, Flash Forward, Criminal Minds, and Cold Case. I love TV.

    5. I need to lose 20 lbs too. But I now work at Applebee’s and cannot resist their scrumptious food. SO FREAKING DELICIOUS. And all deep fried and fattening.

    6. xoxo

  • “anyone out there who’s feeling the urge to punt her three year-old off her two-story deck” – bwahahaha … may I just say that misery loves company!

    No to H1N1. I have MS, my immune system doesn’t need anymore tinkering with.

    I bought a DVD player at Superstore last year for under $40. Still going strong. Waste no time …

    Home Depot Contest –> going to vote (for you).

    I love Project Runway and Coronation Street.

    From the pics I’ve seen of you … you don’t look like you need to lose any weight.

  • i’ve said it once and i’ll say it again…H1N1 IS NO DIFFERENT FROM OTHER HORRID STRAINS OF FLU! Wash your hands and don’t touch your face. :)

  • We like all of the same TV shows. I have become addicted to Glee! This one is a little darker than those you listed, but The Wire might be the best tv show that has ever been made. It is truly amazing. Other than that, Psych on USA is too funny!!

  • You must, must, must watch Modern Family. I snorted water out my nose the episode before last.

    I have a 3 year old a few months older than Avelyn and I’m so there with you. Constantly negotiating, whining, breaking rules, testing. ARG! I will check out that book.

    Next week I’m starting training for the Rock ‘n’ Roll half marathon in Phoenix in Jan. I’m hoping it does a better job with the baby weight than anything else has (I have a baby a few months older than Karenna, too- we’re mirror images!).

  • At least you only have 20lbs to lose. I gained a whopping 60 with my son and still have 28 to go. Kill me.

    Also, if you like reality TV – Biggest Loser and Amazing Race and totally the best shows ever. Just saying.

    Have a great weekend!

  • 1. Oh, Glee. I don’t delete episodes off my PVR until there’s not enough room for other things because I just love watching it over and over again. I also love Big Bang Theory, Parks and Recreation, The Office, Lie to Me, Criminal Minds, Being Erica (CBC Show but SOOO GREAT!), Project Runway, Top Chef, Bones and CSI (although the love is dwindling there).
    2. I don’t know how I feel about the vaccine…I haven’t researched it enough. I don’t have kids and Craig and I aren’t in high-risk groups, but the other secretary in my office came down with it so…don’t know.
    3. I vote for you at least twice a day!
    4. I have an extra VCR I can send you…no help? Sorry. :)

  • :) Nice photo!
    1. I don’t do flu shots. I got one one year and that was one of the only times I got sick! I hardly ever get sick (knocking on wood) so I’m not skeered. Although one person at my office came down with the H1N1 sickness. But I’m still not getting it.
    2. Yes I voted! I try to vote every day, thanks for the reminders!
    3. The only shows I consistently watch are Survivor and The Hills/The City. I know both of those last shows are fake and the people are questionable, but I like to pretend that these are actually their lives and that Kristin actually likes Justin Bobby. Since I am newly single, I am trying to channel some of the girls’ confidence and bitchyness. I am too much of a softie and I need to make em WORK! (right?)
    4. Best of luck with weight watchers! I found out that I absolutely LOVE balsamic dressing. I can cram a huge salad of mixed greens and tomato into my pie hole if it has balsamic on it. Also, spaghetti squash. I don’t know where it has been all my life.

  • we are going to get vaccinated- lance just got his this morning, i will get mine next week, and baby girl will get hers when the dr has her kind available, the mist is pretty nice, don’t be scared, just be informed.

  • Love reading your blog! I can relate to you in so many ways…plus you make me laugh, love your humor :)
    As for favorite shows, I watch almost all the ones you listed, but me and my husband really got into True Blood. It’s a twisted, corny but keeps you guessing vampire story.
    I should really jump on the weight watchers wagon myself, as I can’t keep using the “baby weight” excuse for much longer as my son is 11 1/2 months now. Good luck!

  • I can totally relate to the three year old experience. My oldest daughter is 23 now, but I remember three really well. I remember thinking the terrible twos were not real at all. As usual, people had made something out of nothing. HA! Terrible threes is more like it!

    The threes are just tough. Last week my mother and I went out to lunch. I’m not sure why, but we don’t manage to do it often, so it’s a treat for us. There was a three year old boy at a (VERY) nearby table. Screaming his head off. From the time he walked in. People all around were grimacing. I even grimaced. The mother, grandmother, and other adult with him just acted as if nothing was happening. It went on for minutes. Minutes. With an s. Multiple minutes. It felt like more than minutes.

    Finally, a lady from the table next to us got up and went to their table. I heard the server as her husband if they were all together. He quickly responded “NO! My wife went over to calm him down because he was screaming.” She stayed at the table for over five minutes. No lie.

    I’m not sure I have a point except it pretty much stinks to be mommy to a three year old sometimes. It’s universal. It sounds like you’re trying to find ways to make things better, and you can’t do much more than that.

  • Hey Amanda, just wanted to comment on this post. I’m pretty sure my daughter and Avelyn could be clones…LOL. She recently had a bout of the flu that left her lying on the couch for three blissful days of quiet. Today I knew she was feeling better after I got up to total chaos in my house. I really just try to take it in stride most days because I know she’ll grow out of it. However, I will take your book suggestion and add it to my Christmas wish list in case of parenting emergencies (such as wanting to punt our girl off our balcony), (OMG, parenthesis ARE fun!!!) As for the H1N1, you bet we’re getting vaccinated. This flu IS different and it is pandemic, and younger women and pregnant women seem to be the hardest hit by it. The government has ordered in 400 million vials of the vaccination, enough for every man, woman and child in Canada. And they recommend EVERYONE get vaccinated. If even 70% of our community got the vaccination, it would stop the virus in it’s path. While I realize that people have personal beliefs regarding vaccinations, I strongly feel that if we don’t want this virus to keep mutating and changing and getting stronger, than we need to do our parts to stop it. The flu does kill people and it’s something to be taken seriously. Ok, now that I’ve done my rant, I’ll put my soapbox away. Thanks for this post, it gave me things to think about.

  • Top Chef!

    (Also, beautiful, mush-inducing photo!)

  • Glad to hear you like it! I got a lot out of it for sure. Also loving Glee!

    We aren’t going to get vaccinated here in this house…I know it is a touchy subject and I say you gotta do whatever lets you sleep at night, whatever that is. Good luck with the WW – I need to get on that bandwagon myself.

  • Great photo! I’m thinking of not getting the shot, but I might change my mind once it’s available. Good luck with WW. I have started it, too, but I’m having strange reactions — headaches and fatigue mostly. My mom has hypoglycemia and I think that I might have it, too. I have been reviewing what I’ve been eating and it has been primarily good carbs, but with no fat or protein during the same meal to balance the carbs. I think I could handle a growling stomach. The headaches are no fun though, especially after just getting over a cold. Do you get headaches when you diet?

  • Purse in hand… on the way out the door to by that book… wait, it’s Sunday 8:30pm… guess I’ll have to wait til tomorrow. Tomorrow! Seriously, I NEED that book!!

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