Life of Leisure (Bah!), My Girl, My Girl 2.0

I Hate The Vise

Sometimes parenthood feels as though you’re sitting at the shore of an ocean. The waves lap over your toes and calves and you are delighted by the moments of laughter and love as they wash over you.

And then other times parenthood feels as though your skull is in a vise and the hours of frustration and meltdowns squeeze your brain tighter and tighter until you feel your cerebellum ooze out your left ear. Then the tension eases slightly, just enough that you regain your vision and breath, and the kids are quiet for a minute or playing nicely for a nanosecond before the screaming and tantrums and fighting start up again the vise tightens its grip once more.

Seems like we’ve been having more Vise Days lately and it’s kind of wearing me down. It used to be Avelyn who pushed me to the brink of insanity but she has shown such improvement and maturity in the past few months that it’s not her anymore, rather her crazy little sister, who is making me want to run for the hills. We seem to breed crazy, strong-willed, challenging girls and even though I know things will eventually get better with Karenna’s rabid behaviour as of late, it’s still exhausting and frustrating and I kind of wish they made boarding schools for 18 month-olds.

We’d still see her at Christmas break. It would be festive.

PS: My new post is up at and it’s about our challenges in naming our babies.


  • That would be AWESOME. I’d send my kids too. Maybe during the summer too.

  • Sounds like Karenna is whipping out the all kinds of awesome attitude that Audrey’s decided to sport. Her 14 month old tantrums make the ones I faced with Bethany at 2 seem like a hiccup. I will be surprised if this I make it to her second birthday with all my hair still on my head.

  • Heads up: They will continue taking turns with the angel/demon deal.

  • i kinda wish they had boarding schools for newborns. i’d take him back once he’s sleeping thru the night. right now i’m nursing him every hour and a half all night long. every hour and a half. help!

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