My Girl, My Girl 2.0, My Girl 3.0

Another Bloody Saturday

Never a dull moment ’round these parts. As I type, Steve is getting stitches in his palm for injuries sustained from a glass baby bottle smashing in his hands as he fell to the tile floor while holding Brinley after tripping on an ill-placed bouncy chair. Brinley is fine, but Steve left a wake of blood and glass shards behind him.

Avelyn continues to be the sweetest big sister ever when it comes to Brinley Anna. All day long she pleads with me to let her hold her, feed her, shake a rattle for her. And I always oblige; it’s a real help and a true joy to see her so loving towards our teeny baby.

Karenna loves Brinley too, but tends to show her affection by tickling her a little too hard. In the eyeball.

(Yes, Karenna’s hair has been straightened in the above photo. Every now and again, if she sees me styling my own mop, she’ll ask to have hers done. It takes her glorious mullet to a whole new level.)

I don’t want to jinx it, but Brinley is the happiest baby I have ever met. She wins over the hearts of strangers at the grocery store with her big, gummy grin and she is just so content and pleased to watch the world around her.

THIS IS NEW FOR US. And hoo boy, I earned it.


  • Heck yes you earned it!!!!

    That sucks that Steve cut his hand, but I’m sure he’s super glad that he got cut instead of something happening to Brinley. The price of little people, right?


  • It hurts my heart that I haven’t met Brinley yet. I must come soon.

    Glad Brinley is o.k. and that Steve is getting stitched up!

  • Poor Steve! I’m so glad Brinley is okay, and hopefully Steve will heal up really quickly!

    And yes, Brinley is pretty much the best baby in the world. She’s just so sweet and precious and she gives the best baby smiles ever!

    Also, it feels like it has been SO LONG since I have seen your big girls. We must remedy that very soon. :)

  • Such cuties! And I’m so glad that things are going a little smoother this time around.

  • I always say, those third babies are the best!! Hope Steve heals fast!!

  • Maybe it is August 2010 babies – becuase #2 at our place is as sweet as can be. Her big sister loves her too – I feel very lucky that none of M’s tantrums are because of her little sister. ; )

  • My god, you make the prettiest babies EVER (besides mine).

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