Domesticity, My Girl, My Girl 2.0, My Girl 3.0


Avelyn woke up this morning complaining of a sore tummy and claiming to feel too ill to go to school.

So I asked her if she wanted a big cupcake for breakfast. (I didn’t actually have said big cupcake, but if she accepted the offer, I’d know she was faking the stomach ache.) She said, “Um, maybe after all the barf is out of my tummy.”

Ten minutes later she was wretching into a bowl and here we are, hours later, all still in our pajamas, watching too much tv and letting the house go to pot. So, basically, like any other day, just with more barf.

I am so weary of winter. There’s more snow outside, more barf in the bowl, and more mess around me than I feel equipped to deal with on such short sleep reserves.

The kids may look cute in their winter gear but I am ready to burn it and dig out the bathing suits. Come on, summer. I want you SO BAD.


  • Ha ha ha! The gold/leopard snow suit rides again! Sorry about the barf and about the lack of playdate yesterday. Allthough now I’m a little glad cuz we might be barfing too. Here’s to a sick free, snow free playdate next week!

  • If it does not stop perpetually monsooning soon I’m going to throw a tantrum.

    Come on, JUNE. Or you know, April. Or you know, SUNSHINE.

  • Dude. I am soooo with you. Okay, not so much with the puke, but TOTALLY needing The Summer so fricking badly, I could cry. (And I do…) Spring is coming, yo. Hang in there – and put that baby to sleep in the BASEMENT!!! xox

  • I hear you. Winter: BEGONE!

  • Oh goodness. I hope the barf leaves your house and never comes back and that Summer comes to Summerland SOON!

  • ME TOO!

    At least we have our MAC/dinner date to look forward to this weekend! I CAN’T WAIT.

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