Domesticity, My Girl, My Girl 2.0, My Girl 3.0

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

So much of staying home with kids is monotonous: clean the floor, someone poops in the corner and you have to clean it again five minutes later. Tidy the kitchen, make a meal, then tidy the kitchen again. Feed the baby, put her to sleep, then get up in two hours and do it all over again.

The rhythm can be exhausting sometimes, but every now and again I step back and just let it wash over me. And it’s good.

Lather, rinse, repeat.


  • Great pics! What camera do you have?

  • You’ve got some mad photography skills going on.

  • cute! cute! cute! love those girls!

  • I think the photos quality is based almost completely on the fact that your children are adorable – and quirky!

  • Oh so delicious! Love those photos Amanda. All three of them have such personality that shines through.

  • love this :)
    lather, rinse, repeat…never thought of it that way, but so true!!
    (i’m in the same boat, but with three boys right around the same age)

  • So, SO sweet. Love them all. :)

    I can say, you will go through more shampoo than me in your lifetime. Hehe.

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