
A Mindful

“I want to get family portraits taken, but I keep waiting until I’m just a little bit hotter,” mentioned a good friend* of mine. “Although I’m starting to wonder if maybe I should just get on with it and realize that this is probably as good as I’m going to get.”

This winter I’ve been on a journey of body and mind, as I work to reclaim my postpartum body. I thought that with a little will-power I’d melt down to a size two in no time, but the path has been slower than I naively expected it to be and I’ve been learning much along the way.

One of the biggest things I’ve been trying to focus on is mindfulness. Being right here, right now. Not wishing the days away, not counting the minutes until bedtime or the days left until the kids are all in school. Because right this instant I am surrounded by such beauty and I don’t want to miss it. The exhaustion and frustration are part of the beauty. And so is my cellulite and my messy house. And so are the wrinkles around my eyes that deepen a little more with each laugh. And so I try my best to stand back and really take it all in. The good, the hard, the fun, the tiring…if I were to die tomorrow and someone gave me the chance to come back to this, for one more day, I’d give anything to do just that.

And I am learning to feel the same way about my body as I do about my days. It might not be perfect, there may be parts I’d like to work on changing, but I am just so thankful for it and all it’s done, dimpled rear and all.

Here’s to strong bodies, living in the moments we’re given, good food and wine, and a bit of boot camp thrown in for good measure.

*She is already totally hot and should definitely get those portraits done soon.


  • I love this! Seriously, every word.

  • So glad I’m not the *only* one with a dimpled rear. (And thighs.)

    You are gorgeous. Inside and out.

  • My dimples… oh never mind about my dimples. Gah. I know. You’re so pretty, darling woman… don’t fuss – you’ll miss everything!!

  • *Heck yeah she is!

  • This is wonderful. I’ve been working on the same thing my whole adult life, even before kids. It’s about this moment, today. Which reminds me I’m sitting at a screen surfing while at my folk’s place for a few short days…

  • Beautiful, Amanda. Just like you.

  • As I am surrounded by a sticky, needy little man who clings to me and demands to be “Upppp” or a chubby little miss who cries unless she’s sleeping right beside me, I keep telling myself that I will miss this when I am alone, in a home, at 92 and I will wish myself back here over and over and over again.

  • Been reading your blog a while and I’m finally d-lurking to say, wow, you just nailed it, girl. Your post is wonderfully written and the message is exactly my challenge as well. I just finished reading “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin. I think you’d like it.

  • This is a super-awesome post! My thoughts exactly. Thanks for sharing. Reading this made for a great start to my day. :)

  • So does that mean spring blossom photos or fall leaves?

  • Thank you. That came at good time for me and I’ll try to remember it and to live in the moment.

  • I believe we had a similar discussion this morning. And I am doing my darndest to think the same way. Always a good reminder and please feel free to remind me if I am ever wishing my days to go faster.

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