Life of Leisure (Bah!)

To Sleep, Perchance To Dream

I got a little bit of sleep last weekend and it was as though the treadmill I’d been running on at a 56% incline was suddenly set flat and the day didn’t feel like a perpetually desperate grind. I had energy and motivation and hope. And now that I’m back to no sleep, it feels even worse since I had a tiny taste of how good life could potentially be if I weren’t so drained all the time. I didn’t realize how crummy I was feeling since I’ve just gotten used to it. I know this stage is temporary and I am taking on so much right now, but my heart looks like this:

Disheveled, weary, and not quite ready for morning.


  • Morning just comes way too early.

  • For me, the hardest adjustment to parenthood is the lack of sleep, the interrupted sleep, the unpredictable sleep..etc, etc, etc.
    I am now that person who cringes when I hear single girlfriends proclaim how tired they are because they had to get up at 8 AM…or when my younger sister talks about sleeping till 11:30 AM. I cringe only because I’m jealous. I love sleep!

  • Oh man! I hope you get more “take a break” moments.

  • this picture of karenna is too awesome! haha love it.

  • Oh dear. I hope good sleeps come more and more often until they become a nightly occurrence.

  • I cannot believe all that you do while running on so little sleep. Might I say, though, that you always look AMAZING? Because it’s true.

  • It sucks when you’re so used to interrupted sleep and you get a couple glorious teaser nights and then it’s back to the norm! Hope you adjust quickly or, even better, sleeping through the night becomes the norm for you! Wondering what you ended up deciding about your new specs?!

  • i LOve my nap more then every one … i hate people who intrupt me when i am sleeping….
    well nice post enjoyed reading it.

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