My Girl 3.0


I am tired of winter and found myself looking at some old photos from this past fall, when the trees were still heavy with ruby apples, the grass was green, and the pigtails were stubby. Brinley is growing so hard and so fast these days, adding new words to her vocabulary, getting a little more strong-willed every hour, and finding her place in this crazy family of ours. I have grown more and more sure that she is our last baby EVER and I find my heart aching a little looking at old photos of her, knowing we’re leaving so much behind and won’t get to write the story of another life. But I am SO DONE. So tired. The children have dried me up from the inside out. In a bittersweet way, of course. Worth every parched piece of body and soul, but wow, I am pooped.

Everyone always said that being a parent was the hardest job in the world but I kind of thought they were exaggerating and that it would be one big stay-at-home party. Yeah, no.

Anyways, here we are. A full house, full hearts, full calendar. Filled to the brim.


  • I love your words “I find my heart aching a little looking at old photos of her, knowing we’re leaving so much behind and won’t get to write the story of another life” I can SO relate. And you have described it so well… writing the story of a new life. that’s exactly what it is! And it’s a marvelous adventure.
    Your girs are beautiful – just like their Mama!

  • Sometimes I completely hate Winter, am grateful and LOVE that you posted the picture of Brinley! It is awesomely adorable. It could be an add. Love what you wrote here too!

  • You know I hate winter too…

    But that photo! She looks so WEE compared to now. Sigh.

  • That apple looks HUGE!

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