My Girl, My Girl 2.0, My Girl 3.0, Wedded Bliss


My kids got to MEET FRED PENNER this weekend. I had to work so missed this special moment but Steve was there to bask in the glory.

I saw Fred Penner when I was a kid and remember watching his TV show in my Saskatchewan basement while I snacked on raisins.

We listen to his music all the time and our kids just gobble it up, belting out alongside his timeless voice.

I hope he comes back (like THE CAT…get it?) next year so I can see him too.



  • I LOVE FRED PENNER!!!!! I should really find one of his albums. My kids are currently on a Raffi kick. :) TV was much better when we were kids, wasn’t it?

    I got to meet Mr. Dressup when I was a kid and it was AWESOME. I hope your girls keep this as a fond memory. :)

  • Haha, that’s awesome! I saw him play at the Regina Folk Festival a couple years ago, and he was awesome. I used to watch his show all the time, and pack a backpack with a banana and apple, and pretend to be him, lol :-)

  • AWESOME – so glad he’s still hanging around! Fred Penner taught me (… on tv), how to make my hands sound like a galloping horse. Do you know how to do that? Lol.

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