Family Matters, Friends Are Swell, My Girl, My Girl 2.0, My Girl 3.0, Uncategorized

Thoughts As of Late

  1. All three girls are playing soccer this year and loving it. As a general rule, our kids have been under-scheduled as far as extra-curricular activities go since we had too much going on in life to drive them to a million things after school. However, after much hemming and hawing, we signed them all up for soccer this year. It’s been great: the exercise, the teamwork! But it’s also been a lot of extra work: the lost socks, the eternal practices, the out-of-town games, the scheduling. Thankfully it’s a short season, and we’re hanging in there, but I do think there would be a fantastic business opportunity for someone to create a shuttle service wherein you could stick your kid at the foot of your driveway and someone would come and pick them up and take them to and from all their activities. Uber for kids? KinderUber? I would pay good money for that.


2. My kids have all been notoriously awful sleepers, but at least they when they were babies they used to go down for the night at 7 pm, which meant I had the illusion of an evening to myself before they would wake up crying for no good reason at midnight. Now, though? They stay up until, like 9:00. PM! So by the time we get everyone tucked in, Steve and I fall into bed and are so wiped, but then we’re like, “Wait, this is our evening! We have at least nine good minutes before we need to fall asleep in order to get enough rest to get up tomorrow and do this all over again!” NO ONE TOLD ME IT WOULD BE LIKE THIS.

3. This spring has kicked my butt. I know I have said that about basically every season for the past, I don’t know, nine years, but it’s still true. We are really busy and it’s crazy and I find myself wondering if we need to make changes or if this is just how it is, or what.

4. This overpriced vacuum is everything I hoped it would be. We used Air Miles so it felt free, though. (I can rationalize ANYTHING.)

5. I have been hiking up the mountain with a varying group of lovely ladies and it’s great. Anyone in the area who feels like conquering Giants Head on Mondays and Wednesdays at 6 am should come! Image (5)

6. My mom is here for a visit so I feel like I can handle life again. All we need is one more full-time adult in the home and we TOTALLY GOT THIS. Taking applications for Sister Wives.

7. Podcasts are my favourite. Been loving this one.

8.  That’s all I got.





  • I’ve been listening to the robcast ever since you told me about it. Exactly what I needed right now.

    I may have to come for a hike one morning so I can actually SEE you, aside from waving as we pass each other in our monster trucks.

    Love you!

  • It’s so true hey. It doesn’t necessarily get easier, it just gets different. I’m sure in the next few years your girls will stay up later than you. You will be fast asleep while they watch tv and hang out.

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