
Burn, Baby, Burn!

Fall arrived yesterday and I have decided that I am going to get in shape. Over the summer I was pretty consistent about going for walks and jogs and what-not, but now it’s time to gear down and really start working on that mass of jiggly-ness that seems to follow me around.
Here is how my work-out yesterday went:
As I am lacing up my runners, I map out my routine.
I will go on the elliptical trainer for 30 minutes.
I get on the elliptical trainer and set it for maximum resistance.
I begin to start ellipticalling.
I start to sweat profusely, and my lung start to burn.
I check the clock and see that I’ve only been on for 47 seconds.
While panting, I re-evaluate my work out plan. Maybe I’ll just go for 15 minutes today.
I continue ellipticalling, after lowering the machine’s resistance.
The panting and burning of lungs becomes more intense.
Through my sweaty eyes I read that clock and see that I’ve now made it to two minutes and fourteen seconds.
With new determination, I push myself to the three minute, then four minute, then five minute mark.
Then I get off and puke up my spleen.