
Wednesdays Are Sacred

What began as a simple Bible study group has evolved into a living, breathing entity that we like to call “If We Don’t Have A Girls’ Night Every Wednesday We Break Into Fits of Rage”. Yes, our Wednesday night meetings are a wonderful way to slice up the week and just catch up with some of my favourite ladies. Over the summer we took a break from the actual Bible study part of things and pretty much just drank a lot of frapuccinos and diet coke and laughed about crazy stuff. It’s been great. These women are fantastic and I love them all dearly! Eating some overpriced pastries from Starbucks is a favourite past time of ours.
Here’s the whole group of us. You may need to avert your eyes, since we are so hot this photo is probably burning your retinas.

Sometimes we sing.
OK, so it’s only happened once, and it happened to get captured on film.
In about ten minutes I am heading out the door to meet with these friends of mine and I am looking forward to chatting, laughing, and nursing our addiction to aspartame.