Back in the Day, Little O' This, My Girl

Wood of the Lake

I am still here, in Regina, with the folks.  It’s been a nice visit thus far despite Avelyn’s horrendous moods.  Not wanting to be inconsistent, she’s maintained her foul flying demeanor since we touched down.  Blame it on that final blasted molar, or maybe a delayed reaction to her vaccines, or (heaven forbid) maybe this is just her genuine personality emerging, but it’s been a little tough.  I think I had some expectations about this trip home, that it would be calm and relaxing and a time for fun.  Avelyn has had other plans, however.  I’ve found myself frustrated by her grumpiness and wanting to smack a little sense in her to make her realize that being pushed in a stroller through the mall really isn’t so bad. 

Yesterday she was having a meltdown in a coffee shop and my mom restrained her while I ran to the nearest drug store to buy Tylenol.  And Smarties.  Both of which I promptly dosed her with upon my return.  That Mother of the Year award can’t be too far off.

Today was a little better.  The prairie winds let up and the sun warmed the skies so we went out for a walk in the park.


This is the park I grew up in.  Well, not actually in the park.  I was not a hobo.  But I spent a lot of time at this park.  I played on the playground, was peer-pressured into taking my first (and only) puff of a cigrarette by the waterfall, kissed my first love on the grassy knoll at midnight, ran a sweaty lap around it for gym class while my heavy thighs rubbed together and slowed me down, had a boy tell me he loved me in the gazebo, spent evenings watching the boys shoot baskets on the court, ate five cent candies on the wooden jungle gym with my girlfriends and talked about the length of our first armpit hairs, and ran through the sprinklers of my best friend’s house that backed onto the lake.

Today I was there with my daughter and we crunched leaves under our feet.  Another memory to add to my list. 


Tonight Jen and I went out for dinner then back to her place to watch some serious television (Grey’s Anatomy and The Office).  I got to snuggle sweet Baby Josephine, who is the daintiest, softest little girl.  Jen looks amazing and is already back into her prepregnancy jeans only one week post-partum.  (I kind of hate her for that.  It took me a year.)

When I came home Avelyn started to cry in her crib so I went to get her.  We cuddled on the couch for an hour and those warm sixty minutes washed away a whole day’s worth of her whining.  I am a lucky momma.





  • the snuggling always wins! Hope you guys have a great visit despite the moods and that you’re flight home is non-adventurous.

  • I really love how a difficult day can be erased by a simple snuggle. It’s my saving grace.

  • What a beautiful park! It’s so neat that you have pictures of Avelyn there too! (Awesome pictures by the way, I love the look of “fall”!) Hope that the rest of your visit goes well!

  • What didn’t you do in that park/town? I was waiting for donated my first kidney, flew to the moon, won a hotdog eating contest. Seriously, it looks absolutely stunning up there. I do want to come visit. I looked at tickets for kicks and giggles and it is $500 + for me and Chloe to come…boo hiss!!! Not to mention we would have to pay for two passports…dang those borders. So thats a few hundred dollars. When will we meet my love. Can this wretched border and lack of funds keep our lives a part? I love Avelyns sweater, so adorable. Great picture of you two….you make leaves look good!

  • it always amazes me how 5 seconds of love and kisses can take away 5 hours of shit headedness

  • loved this post! my friends and i had a similar park with similar experiences…but i think you may have forgotten to say “had our first underage alcoholic beverage”, no?

  • Great post Amanda. The leaves are beautiful, and I can’t wait to see both of your smiling faces when you return. Feel free to ply me with Smarties too :)

  • Love the fall leaves and your memories of that park. Sorry Avelyn has been grouchy…but sounds like you are taking it in stride.

  • Sounds wonderful. I mean to be home, not Avelyn being grumpy!

    And you are right- cuddling makes all the difference.

    The fall pictures are great too!

  • Beautiful photos with the leaves. And snuggling makes everything better!

  • Really lovely post.

    That last picture is gorgeous. A total framer.

  • I loved the recounting of your memories in the park…from heartwarming (hearing a boy say I love you) to hilarious (comparing the length of your armpit hairs!). Also, that last picture of the two of you is gorgeous.

  • Look at your hair – so beautiful! I have good memories of Regina too, as I spent three years of College there!

  • Mommy-child snuggles can erase almost anything!

  • Lovely memories made with your girl – great pictures to share, too.

  • Isn’t it strange going back home. When Nina and I went to my hometown I felt so nervous taking her to all of the places I used to go.

  • Aw, cute last picture! What park is that? My family and I are moving there next July.

    Oh yes, snuggles are the bestest!

  • How are you keeping your hair so straight? I got the same cut a month before you and mine is flipping all
    over the damn place. Is there some special shampoo or product you are using?

  • Beautiful entry.

  • That park holds such meaning to you, that’s so neat to bring Avelyn there to make new memories with her. Wow, that’s cool!

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