Little O' This, Pregnancy, Weight


I am starving.  Beyond ravenous.  And I hate it.

I am only about two months into this pregnancy but I feel like my stomach is a bottomless pit calling out for more! more! more!  I am trying to be really careful about the weight gain this time around, but it’s proving to be more of a challenge than I anticipated.  I haven’t really gained any weight yet (OK, maybe a pound, but I made homemade alfredo sauce last weekend and it was worth every calorie) but I have been feeling so hungry that I am frightened by how much food my body is telling me to eat, after learning to be so careful about every Point for so long.  I haven’t been officially doing Weight Watchers for over four months now and have managed to maintain my loss and I guess I just thought that I had this weight thing nailed and that being pregnant would make no difference in my eating habits, aside from the fact that I need an extra apple and glass of milk everyday.  An apple and a glass of milk?  HA!  How about an entire plate of rice, carrots, and chicken consumed in 0.3 seconds?  Because that’s what I ate for dinner last night, after having snacked most of the afternoon, and then I still had to nerve to steal a few bites of dessert from Steve’s plate after I had swallowed my own cake whole.

I just hate feeling this insatiable desire to stuff my gut, because I know where it always ends up:  Fat Pants Land.  I don’t want to go back!

See, this is where my whole “All Or Nothing” mentality gets be into trouble.  A normal person would say, “You’re pregnant.  There might be days when you feel a little more hungry than normal.  That’s OK.  Eat until you’re full, and don’t worry about it.  Just make healthy choices and you’ll be fine.”  But here’s what I say, “I’m pregnant.  My doctor will beat me with a cane if I gain more than a pound by my next appointment!  But I am sure I have already gained a pound because I was so starving that I ate a lot for dinner.  And I am always going to be this hungry, for the next seven months, and I am totally going to gain 87 pounds.  May as well just go drink the leftover alfredo sauce and get this party started.”

See?  Bad self-talk.  Bad, bad, bad.

Oh, balance, how I long for thee.  Any advice from people who’ve been there?

PS:  I am not grumpy anymore.  After I wrote that blog post I decided that the next day I was going to be finished with being a cow to everyone, so I went to bed really early and woke up refreshed and ready to face the day.  I even scrubbed my toilet!  Now that’s ambition.


  • I’ve yet to be pregnant, but as someone who struggles constantly with balance and the negative self-talk, I KNOW WHEREOF YOU SPEAK. Minus the small gestating human, of course.

    I don’t have any concrete advice for you (see: lack of mini-mes prancing about), but I know you’ll do what’s best for you, your body, and your family. And the cake.

  • I gained lots of weight with my first pregnancy. I was at my best weight EVER before I got pregnant, but I gained about 40-50lb. I swore I wouldn’t do that again during my second pregnancy, but I still did. Okay, I probably didn’t gain quite as much, but since I hadn’t LOST all the other weight between pregnancies, I looked the same. Now my “baby” is 3 and I am still working on it. Having babies just does something to most women. Granted, there are some lucky women who will be smaller AFTER having their babies. But I am not one of them. I will always battle this “thing”. I may never get to my magical goal weight. But you know what? When I look at my beautiful boys, I don’t care. I will be turning 30 soon, and it has taken me almost 30 years to really accept myself the way I am. Yes, I still want to be thinner & fitter, and I will keep working at it. Who knows, perhaps I will get there eventually. But at the end of the day, I consider my extra “rolls”, stretch marks and my widened hips to be “battle scars”, and I am proud of them.

  • I wish you all the best with the starving-ness, Amanda. Maybe, it would fit your needs to get a whole bunch of healthy snacks that are available to you to eat whenever you’re hungry. Then, at least the extra is healthy extra (spoken by the woman that baked chocolate cake after chocolate cake when she was preggo, just to meet that need). Umm… I didn’t say I did it, I just said it might be a good idea ;)

  • I can’t say that I have much advice for you, sorry! I am also an all or nothing kind of person – and therefore gained a little too much weight with my first, and just over regular with my second (thanks to losing 10 lbs in the first 3 months because I was so sick). The best advice? If you’re going to snack, snack on fruit or vegetables – stay away from chips, do not even have them in your house! I found that if I prepared and cut up raw vegetables, I was more likely to eat them than I was if I just had them uncut in the fridge.

    Good luck to you!

  • I wish I had great pregnancy-weight advice, but I don’t have great non-pregnancy-weight advice.

    I will say that when I read the toilet cleaning part, I actually thought to myself, “Oh yes. That’s something adults do. I should pick up that habit.”

    Perhaps when you visit, you should stop and use the restroom on the way.

  • At least you’re eating and you have an appetite!! I was so sick I had to force feed myself.

  • Another never-been-pregnant commenter so I’m not sure this helps at all, but I find the best way to stay away from Too Much Food is just to keep your hands busy. Take up painting or scrapbooking or knitting. maybe.

  • Get those silly thoughts outta your head. :) If your body is hungry it’s because you need those calories to build that baby. I know you know that. You did a great job of losing the baby weight and you can do it again if it comes to it.

    That being said- yes, healthy choices! I didn’t gain too much weight this last pregnancy but I always ate until satisfied (and sometimes stuffed!) and had treats like 5¢ candies on far too many occasions.

    Take care of yourself and that little growing bud.

  • I’m just about 4 months pregnant now (this is my 2nd)
    and so far, (knock on wood!) I’m all belly, just like
    the first pregnancy. It seems like eating smaller meals
    throughout the day, tend to balance out. I admit, I
    have been eating 2 breakfasts each day lately! If you
    are hungry, certainly don’t starve yourself! Eat every
    2-3 hours, it will all balance out for you! They say
    you need 300 extra calories per day.

  • I can’t put myself in your shoes yet, but just remember: You lost all that weight once before. Even if you end up gaining just as much as you did with Avelyn, you know exactly how to take it off again. You were beyond successful the first time, and you will be again. And I think once you start showing a little, it will take the pressure off a bit. Because until you start showing, you’ll be wondering: Is that baby or is that just the extra plate of alfredo sauce? You can do this!!

  • I’m currently 30 weeks preggers and was like you are at the beginning. However, I haven’t gained a pound in the last 8 weeks of pregnancy and so my vote is to just go with it for now. Your body will tell you what to do.
    I would eat lots of little meals all day long. I still do the 2 breakfasts thing.
    I have no advice for the after, since this is my first, but am inspired by your success of shedding the baby weight and think you should look back at that journey and see how well you did. You’ll do it even quicker this time around because you’ll be chasing a toddler when baby is resting!

  • Being that I’ve never been pregnant before, I have no advice! I can definately relate to that “all or nothing” thinking though…It sucks!

  • walk. walk. walk. Eat until your body tells you that it’s full. Try to eat healthy options, but don’t diss that craving – because instead of the 2-3 cookies you want at 2 pm, you’ll eat 12 a 8 pm.

    I was not at a healthy weight before my pregnancy (very overweight), and I was scared at what gaining more would mean for me and my baby, so I walked a ton once I was out of that 1st trimester icky stage. I usually got in about 5 miles a day (over 2-3 periods each day). Walked right up to the days before going into labor. I only gained 12 lbs (which for me, was very good – again the overweight to begin with thing, but if you start at a healthy weight you should gain more). My midwife credited the walking and yoga I did for my easy labor.

    Just walk, a lot. Because you know there is nothing you can do to stop the 2nd mac and cheese craving of the day… “the baby wants it!”

    But, uh…no tips on how to get all that walking in while chasing a toddler – sorry!

  • Dude.

    I spent each of my first trimesters fighting the urge to spew vomit and the walls…and then eating nachos to make myself feel better.

    I have no advice.


    I saw you yesterday and have no idea what “pound of weight gain” you are referring to :)

  • Oh the joys of being pregnant. There is a big difference about being hungry and feeding yourself to be content and chowin’ down on 2 batches of shortbread in 3 days (not admitting I did that or anything, while prego with bethy). It’s only be a little over a year since Avelyn was born and look at how far you’ve come!!! You’ve learned how to eat healthily on a regular basis and a few more servings of that healthy food and maybe a few treats isn’t going to destroy that.
    No matter what the final weight gain is you’ll have a precious bundle to cuddle, a built in toddler gym (With Beth walking that’s what I’d decided she is. A gym membership in diapers.) and a whole crew of us cheerleaders here to encourage you through your journey back to where ever you want to be.
    You look fabulous I’m sure!

  • I’ll delurk here to say thanks for the laugh–picturing your annoyingly skinny doc chasing you around with a cane = lolz.

    I’ve had no pregnancy point of reference but think you are inspirational in general with the healthy lifestyle switch so I think it will turn out fine–good luck!

  • Eat high fiber cereal!! I loved flaxplus by Natures Path but I ended up downing a box of Shreddies quickly by the end, The milk has protein in it which will help suppress your hunger. Yogurt and bananas worked too!

    Congrats to you babe! Eat, eat, eat…………you need to feed yourself right now! Don’t be so hard on yourself…….this is the time in your life to live it up food wise. Your weight will come off again! You will be soooo busy with two you won’t have time to eat! Ha ha ha


    this helped me a lot, as did her book.

  • I feel for you Amanda. I wasn’t really trying to lose weight with WW when I was pregnant…so I can’t really give you advice from being there. I can from being on WW though (just when NOT pregnant). It is so hard…but you can do it!!!! Don’t give in to that all or nothing mentality. You don’t have to gain as much weight as you did before..but don’t beat yourself up if you have a bad day. Make the next one better! It is about balance. And hey, if one day you want to eat a balanced diet of 12 cupcakes and a bowl of ranch dressing, go for it. Just be good the next day :)

  • I don’t have advice as I have never been preggeres and/or had a doctor that would beat me with a cane if I gained a pound by my next appointment – you poor thing! Maybe tell her that you’ve decided to eat her portions of food because you don’t believe in waste! Clearly she doesn’t eat! hahahahaha

    Good luck to ya and I know you know it will all be fine :-)

  • I remember that feeling hungry part of being pregnant, but you know what…even IF you happen to gain all the 87 pounds during the pregnancy (worst case scenario here), you know you can lose the weight after! You did it once, you can do it again. I lost weight really easily after my second baby because I was so busy chasing the toddler and watching the baby too. So no worries!! Eat food that takes a long time to chew (like carrots and celery) and try not to bake so it’s not around to tempt you!! Otherwise relax, you’ll be fine, even if you get slightly plump…you’re allowed to!!

  • I had an overwhelming urge to control my weight gain this pregnancy, but I’ve been so hungry and tired that watching what I ate would mean being grumpy and more tired – which would mean being a bad mum – so I’ve given up on that. My weight isn’t as important as my parenting.

  • I don’t want to freak you out but, do you think you might be having twins? That would explain the increase in hunger and the showing belly at such an early stage. It’s just a thought.

    But if it’s not twins then it’s okay too! You lost the weight with Avelyn, you can do it again.

    I just found out I am pregnant with my 2nd baby too! And my daughter is named Evelyn and she is 18 months old. I think it’s cool how similar our kid’s names and ages are and that we are pregnant at the same time.

    I love the blog! Sorry I wrote a novel in this comment =)

  • Those bubbling waters you are favoring should make you feel more full. Plus, the first trimester is when you feel more hungry, at least it was for me. Eat that extra apple, but add some protein with it to feel full longer. I LOVE mine with peanut butter. The protein is the key in my opinion. Good luck, and eat… the baby needs it!

  • I would first make the distinction of “Am I hungry or thirsty?” Sometimes we don’t always tell the difference between the two.

    Next, I agree whole heartedly with Jen up there… When you eat, just as you would if not pregnant, make choices that will fill you up and keep you satiated for longer.

    High fiber cereals, breads, crackers, Kashi even makes a very delicious dark chocolate oatmeal high fiber cookie that is delicious. Did I say that already? ;) You can also get the fiber in fruits and veggies.

    Stay on top of your Carbs to help with energy levels, especially if you are doing cardio and don’t forget the almighty protein also for satisfaction and not feeling starving.

    See if you can’t get full off a few power foods.

    And while I have no pregnancy diet experience, I do know that the baby does not need that chocolate cake, but how we make excuses! Also, keep in mind, as I am sure you already know, what you eat directly impacts the make up of your son/daughter.

    You are what you eat!

  • I gained 52 pounds with my first child (I have three kiddos) and I felt HUGE (I’m normally a very thin gal…like yourself) and with my second I walked almost every day (I did live in Southern California so it made it quite easy in the winter months)…and I only gained 40.

    Honey, this will be the only time you can eat whatever you like and justify it…do it! That was my theory with my third and I worked it off and I’m back to my normal size. You did it the first time…your body will do it again.

    BTW, I’ve always heard that a piece of chocolate every day makes a happy baby!!

    Congrats on your news! Enjoy this time!
    Amy in Washington State!

  • I just wanted to say that maaaybe you should consider a new doctor, who doesn’t make you so antsy about (much necessary) weight gain…I don’t know how easy it is to find a great OB, but there are PLENTY out there who don’t weigh 67 pounds or won’t make you feel guilty for crap that pregnant women DO, like gain weight! It’ll make for a less stressed pregnancy, I promise.

    I am 2 months away from delivering my 1st babe, and I’m looking at a total gain of 50ish pounds. And that’s without anticipating any last minute swelling (that I hear is horrendous). I’m vowing to NOT sweat it, it’s what my body was made to do…vanity be darned. I’ll lose it. It’ll take me some time, and then maybe it won’t—but I know that that is not something I’m going to spend my time thinking about during pregnancy.
    There’s other stuff to think about.. like meeting my baby boy here pretty soon… and nipple cream. I hear nipple cream is a must! :)

  • How about shakes/smoothies. Buy a bag of frozen fruit and some yohgart (sp), ice and made shakes whenever she was hungry. you can mix it up so that you don’t get sick of one kind. Add bananas for a change. You can also get liquid pre-natal vitamins that you can add if your having a hard time with the pills.

    Oh and if you NEED fibre get some of that fibresure and mix it in and you’ll never know :) (this is also a great, fun snack for kids to helps them be regular as well).

    Hope that helps!!

  • Oh, sigh, I hear you. Pregnant or not, I’m an all or nothing gal.

    And I lived on alfredo and milkshakes in my second pregnancy. And then he had a milk allergy, serves me right.

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