Milk It, My Girl

And Then My Heart Shattered Into a Million Shards of Sadness

Vaccinations suck. 

My sweet little girl wailed like a banshee when the needles pierced her little meaty thighs four (!) times.   

I just wish there was something I could have done to help her understand that they were for her own good, to protect her from dangerous diseases.  Instead all I could do was rock her, whisper comfort in her ears and give her some milk to distract her from the pain once the poking was over.  

She seems OK now.  A little sleepy and more sensitive than usual but now she’s in her cozy pyjamas, resting on my lap, staring up at me with her brown flecked, slate-blue eyes.

Avelyn is now 11 pounds, 6 ounces, for all of you out there who are keeping charts and graphs of her growth.  The health nurse was very nice but when I pulled out a bottle for Avelyn her lips pursed and she stated, "So.  You’re formula feeding." 

Basically, she was implying, "You may as well put bleach in that bottle, you menace."

I recited my speech, "Actually, no.  This is breast milk.  I pump exclusively because my baby thinks my nipples are less than ideal.  She’s getting the good stuff and we’ve found a way that works for us both."

She was supportive.  But what if I had been a formula-feeding mother?  I would have felt about three feet tall.  A while ago a family friend came to visit when Avelyn was just a few weeks old.  I was giving her a bottle and the lady asked, "Is that breastmilk?" 

I told her that, yes, it was. 

But really, was it any of her business?

A hot topic, I know.  I agree that breastmilk is the perfect food for babies and I am doing all I can to insure mine gets it.  But if a mother gives nursing her best shot and gets beaten down by the many obstacles that cross her path (thrush, mastitis, plugged ducts, poor latch, bloody nipples) and makes the switch to formula I don’ think she should feel like a failure or less of a mother.   

Whether you asked for them or not, those are my two cents. 





  • Every mother does what she feels is best for her own children. You included. And it’s working for you.

    Sorry Avelyn needed 4 needles. That’s crazy!

  • Good for you Amanda. Your sweet Avelyn is getting what is best, but in my opinion, if formula were poison they wouldn’t be able to sell it. You are happy, healthy and so is Avelyn, and that is what is important. 4 needles do suck. Wait until 18mo and after the 1st 2 they realize what is to come. Oh the screaming we endure.

  • I agree with you Amanda there are way too many judgemental people in this world!! Give Avelyn a hug from me

  • Its bad enough when your pregnant (people giving unwanted advice, etc), but when you have a baby everyone thinks THEY know best.

  • Some of the health nurses are great…and some not so much.

    You are doing a fantastic job – I’m SO proud of you!

  • Great post, Amanda. I’ll pay you later for you two cents… hehe
    P.S. Those jeans make me want to gag

  • I totally agree – about both the formula debate, and about the skinny jeans and leggings!

  • You are amazing for pumping and feeding Avelyn breastmilk. Five gold stars for you! I’m pumping right now to try and increase my milk supply as Duncan’s not gaining weight and it’s bl&&dy hard.

    Plus I don’t believe formula is that bad for babies, I seem to be healthy enough!

  • Every momma parents differently for their children. And every momma knows their own child best. Never feel insuperior because someone has the gahl to judge you for a parenting decision. You are an amazing mom who loves her child immensley. Who cares what other people think!

  • thanks for the post.

    My doctor told me not to tell the health nurse that I was starting formula – simply to avoid being shamed. She thinks they’re too over the top. My doctor was great about it all. She said go for it. Formula isn’t what it used to be & Micah has received great benefits from the boob in his early weeks when it is most beneficial. I’m looking forward to the end of breastfeeding although i am disappointed that it didn’t work out for us.

    Maybe next time. Hey, maybe next time I’ll even have a vaginal birth & I’ll be the perfect mother. “Just as God intended”. I can’t believe people actually say this stuff to me. How rude.

    Okay, enough of the rant.

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