Little O' This

Frightening Fall Trends

Normally as the seasons change I look forward to adding a new piece or two of clothing to my wardrobe.  This fall, however, has been the exception.  There are some scary things hanging on the racks these days. Leggings. 80’s inspired work-out wear. Did I mention the leggings? And these: 
skinny jeans.jpg
The dreaded skinny jean.
They are named appropriately because I am of the belief that only skinny people should be able to wear them.  
I have always been shaped like one of these: 
Why, oh, why would I want to draw attention to the size of my caboose and hefty thighs by contrasting them with a pant that tapers to a tiny point around my ankle? 
I implore all of those who are not built like flagpoles to steer clear of the skinny jean. 
And the leggings (shudder). 


  • I agree. The skinny pants must go. I don’t think anyone should wear them. Now I have never been the trendy one but that is one trend I don’t understand. It just looks strange.

  • skinny jeans are wrong.

    so very wrong.

  • what are you talking about? I love the skinny jeans. I have like 11 pair of them, all different shades of blue. Even after my legs had to be amputated, i still wore them, i just stuff them with cotton balls to make it look like i have legs.

    oh yeah, they’re hot!!

  • I’m one of those that should and will steer clear!

  • Um, I think only 0.001% of the population would look good in those.

    I am not in that percentile, so I think I’ll pass.

  • They just look silly.

    The real word for them? TAPERED jeans. Blech!

  • I still think for fun we should go and try some on. Oh the horrors.

  • Agreed that skinny jeans are no good… and that even on skinny people they are less flattering than a nice bootleg or straight cut jean… also I cannot believe that leggings (especially the ones with the lacey cuffs) are back — AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!

  • Count me out of that shopping expedition Christy no one should have to see my over abundant curves squeezed into something that tight

  • Bless you. Skinny jeans should just go away. Far, far away.

  • Not even skinny people should be allowed to wear them. While I think they look cute tucked into boots, by themselves they look gross. Blech.

  • Wow, though are nasty! I am glad I am in Korea this year to miss out on those and that I stocked up on clothes for the year before coming here, just incase the trend makes it here.

    I really enjoy reading your blog (and often have some good laughs from it). Even though I don’t know you, I feel like I am starting to get to know you. You sound like a lot of fun. Maybe one day I will meet you. Anyways, I just wanted to semi-introduce myself.

  • I could get my legs stuffed into those skinny jeans, but the massive flap of excess would be hanging out the top! Ewww

  • I’ve been feeling old that stuff I remember wearing is coming back. I remember when I was a teenager and my mom was looking at my hip clothes saying ‘wow, I remember when those were in style the last time’. I was like ‘You are soooo old!’. Yah. Now it’s my turn I guess.

    Wait until the early 90’s grunge look comes back. Flannel shirts, greasy hair. Ugh.

  • Hey I got a pair…for real! Except I don’t think they deserve the name “skinny”, b/c there boot cut. Explain that one…skinny boot cut jeans?!

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