Little O' This

Canning, Part Deux

Today I made antipasto with Granny Sue (she’s no where near as old as that title might suggest, in fact she’s not old at all and wears much trendier clothes that I, and in a much smaller size) and this canning adventure was far more successful than my last.  Meaning, no toilet was required to dump pounds of scorched food down.  
I didn’t take photos of the progress but if I had you would have seen Avelyn sitting contentedly in a bouncy chair on the kitchen table as she watched us chopping pounds of peppers, onions, olives, and cauliflower while the whitecaps on the lake rolled in the background.  It was great fun.  Now I have many cans of antipasto to give as Christmas gifts and also for Steve to nosh on. 
Personally, I am not the biggest fan of mushrooms.  Or olives.  Or tuna. All of which are in antipasto.  Owell, I know lots of people who really like it so I am happy to have some on hand.  I’m so self-sacrificial, toiling over a hot stove making food for others to enjoy.   
In other news, I am getting a semi-drastic haircut next week.  I was going to try to keep it on the downlow and just shock you all with photos of my new ‘do but I think we all know by now that I am incapable of keeping my mouth shut and there are no secrets here at  Yes, I am doing what all moms do: getting a haircut after their baby is born in the hopes of a revitalized look, only to end up feeling kind of homely and chubby now that the curtain of hair that distracted people from looking at their hips is gone.  I trust you will shower me with "it looks…good?" comments once I post the after photos, even if you think I look terrible and you notice for the first time just how big my hips truly are.  So thanks in advance for that.
My mom is flying in from Saskatchewan next week and I am thrilled.  She assures me that she is not looking forward to seeing me, only Avelyn.  But that’s OK.  She promises to hold her favourite (read: only) grandchild for hours on end when she’s here so that will free me up to do some much-needed house cleaning.  I love house cleaning.  Oh wait, that’s a BIG FAT LIE.  Just today, while at Sue’s, she was telling me about how she likes to give her floor a quick vacuum everyday.  Everyday?!  I lowered my head in shame and confessed that it’s a good month if I pull the vacuum out once.  I am exaggerating.  Kind of.  I think I would enjoy vacuuming a lot more if they made a ride-on model.  Maybe I’ll invent one and become a kajillionaire and never have to vacuum again because I will have a maid who vacuums for me. 
A girl can dream.


  • Have you ever tried antipasto? There are quitea few things I don’t like in the ingredients. Oddly enough, I likeantipasto. Apparently when you mix things I don’t like together, they become likeable. Wierd.

  • It gave me a bit of a jolt to see my name in print “Granny Sue” but somehow I like it. I can just see myself in the future as some wizened up ole granny so why not??
    As to the vacuuming bit, I didn’t hear that “no vacuuming for a month confession” just a slight widening of your eyes & downward turning of the eyebrows. Did I mention that I’m slightly anal about cleaning??

  • Once you have hardwood or laminate floors and see all the crap you sweep up everyday and then go back to carpet – vacuuming gets a lot higher priority of the to-do list.

    Your hair will be smashing! If you don’t like it, I will send you a picture of my with my post-baby haircut. YYYYYIIIIIIIIIIKES!

  • The lady above me had a baby just after she moved in and she vacuumed every other day. I had myself convinced it made her a better mom. Funny what vacuuming does to us. Once you have a toddler running around though, it tends to keep them quiet, staring at this crazy creature who gets to eat what they get in trouble for ingesting. lol, at least it does with Belle. And antipasto, I’m impressed, it seems like so much work! (That wasn’t a hint to send me any for Christmas, I don’t like it either!). I can’t wait to hear of your next canning adventure, it inspires my inner, and yes hidden, domestic.

  • Yay for a better canning experience! We’ll still do applesauce, once I get this baby out :)

  • I vaccuum when I see dirt on the floor (we have wood floors though so that’s more than once a week) but I honestly wouldn’t if I couldn’t see it. Who likes cleaning? Not me!

    I had a post-birth haircut too, but it’s only slighly shorter as I felt sorry for my poor hubby who I know likes long hair. I’ve chopped it several times before (the post-wedding cut, the other popular one) and he’s been very good about it.

    And my mom & dad come today for Thanksgiving, I’m really thrilled! (and also planning to do some much needed cleaning while they are here).

  • It’s only about $10 an hour to get a maid to come to your house and clean. If I wasn’t to lazy to find a housekeeping service I’d probably go that route.

    I’m sure your hair will look fabulous. What style are you going for, or is that a part of the secret you’re keeping?

  • haha i assume your talking about my mom with the Granny Sue. Don’t worry, she’s anal about cleaning…it’s rubbed off on me haha…my roommate thinks i’m insane :) it’s good thought that your letting her have baby time…stefan and betsy won’t be having kids for a while so i’m glad she can content herself with other babies.

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