Little O' This


I was a phone maven tonight and had some great conversations with some of my favourite peeps.  First, I phoned my family and my brother informed me, "We can’t talk right now.  We’re watching Lost."  I could just feel the love coursing through the phone line.

Then Christy called and we had a nice chat, although she shared the bad news that her new house was not yet ready for her homecoming and she has to stay in Lethbridge for another week.  This made me sad because I miss her a lot and we haven’t seen nearly enough of each other in the past few months, what with my birthing a baby and her going on multiple camping trips and being so busy packing up house and home then heading to the neighbouring province to await the completion of her house, all the while missing her hubby like crazy.  The things we do.  It seems like all of our friends are in the midst of an insanely busy season of life.  Babies are popping out left, right and centre, houses are being built and renovated, apples are being harvested, life is passing us by.  It’s nuts.  Hopefully things will settle down for everyone, myself included, soon and we can all have a few spare moments to stop, eat a cookie and drink some diet coke together. 

I ended my telephone marathon with a call to Jen.  While I am still very angreee that she had the nerve to drag her family out of Summerland to the prairie wasteland that is Regina, I was able to set my angst aside long enough to have a nice chat with her.  I miss her madly.  She was the friend who was always up for a "walk" (which usually involved skipping the actual walk and driving to the ice cream parlor). 

Steve has, at long last, come in from working in the shop so I am going to go and try to force him to give me a back rub.  Wish me luck. 


  • Poopy that Christy is away for another week!!!!!

    But…hopefully her house will be perfect for her when she returns :)

  • Oh Steve. I love that he said that to you. Just like when you called and he said to stop calling when he’s eating. He has his priorities straight.

  • I’m so disapointed that I fell asleep after the first commericial of lost. I am a lost junkie and have been more excited than a kid in a candy store waiting for the new season to start.

  • Every time I call my parents, they are appalled that I would call during [insert dumb reality show here]. I definitely get my t.v. junkiness from them.

  • Hey… what would happen if I were to call you in the middle of the season premiere of Grey’s Anatomy?

  • I miss you too Amanda I live here, really looking forward to tomnight, maybe we should set up webcams so Jen and CHrsity can be there to share the experience

  • Yah,Manda,we’ll call you when Gray’s anatomy starts,and if you’re not home because you are watching it at one of your friends homes,we’ll track you down and feel the love!!

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