My Girl 2.0


Our truck, the one that was stolen right of our driveway a couple weeks ago, has been located in northern Alberta.  Apparently it has not been damaged but we’re waiting for the official report.  I was kind of hoping it would be lost forever and the insurance company would have to buy us out but since we got such a good deal on what we originally paid for the truck, we’d end up cashing in and making a few extra thousand dollars.  For me to go shopping with.  Owell, it will be nice to have our truck back.

Some of you might remember my talking about a homeopathic teething remedy called Camilia that I used when Avelyn was pushing through her chompers.  Well, the same makers of Camilia make a homeopathic formula for colic.  While I was pregnant, fearing that our next baby was going to be a screamer, I bought some of the remedy, called Cocyntal, hoping I wouldn’t really have to use it.  Jolie has been a fantasically content baby, but in the past week she’s had a fussy period in the later evenings (right after I get Avelyn to bed and am ready to relax, of course).  I gave her some of the Cocyntal since she had been wailing for longer than my ears could handle and it worked within seconds.  No exaggeration.  Magic.

I haven’t been taking enough pictures.  I have pledged to myself that I will not be one of those parents who has 3 gazillion photos of the first child and then barely any of the second.  I have already started Jolie’s scrapbook (well, if pasting in one photo and using some pre-cut letters to write her name on some pretty paper counts as starting) and hope to keep it somewhat up to date.  Time will tell.

Tonight I am going out with a friend, no babies in tow!  My first break for longer than an hour since Jolie was born.  Booyah!

Here are the things I could not live without these days:  a Baby Bjorn (active model, with extra back support), tight, tight swaddling (Jolie sleeps so well when she’s bound up like a mummy), Halloween treats (I need the extra calories, OK?), my computer (I know I have been rarely posting, but I have been reading when time permits…helps me feel connected), my trusty hubby (he’s been Mr. Mom and I couldn’t do it without him), and the unwavering hope that Jolie will someday sleep through the night.  Someday.


  • It is hard to find good informative blog like yours I have some free pictures you might be able to use for your blogs. Let me know.

  • Congrats on finding your truck! I hope your little girl sleeps soon, but you’ll soon have Jen there, and I’m sure she’d love to get up with Jolie!

  • Hope everything works out with the truck – and that maybe you’d get compensation for the past couple weeks :) Good luck!!!

    I would love to see more pictures so keep that camera flashing!

  • I guess it’s good you got the truck back, but I wonder if the report will tell you why they stole it. (Like, beyond the fact that it was a car and they wanted it. Did they need it for a drug drop? Something fun? Am I fishing too hard for something here? I’ll stop.)

  • So – I guess the amorous thug named Leo thing isn’t gonna happen – shoot!

  • Boiron (the makers of Camilia) also make a remedy for colds for babies. It works wonders. Isaiah has been plagued with a cold more times than I can count since he was born…and I just recently discovered this one. It works wonders (as well as the other ones) It’s called Coryzalia…Just in case you’re looking for something in the future.

  • I can’t believe your truck made it all the way into Alberta! I know it’s not that far, but it seems crazy that it’s in another province! I love the newborn stage, but it’s also very nice when they start sleeping through the night, hope you get to return to that soon. :)

  • Wow! Alberta!!

    I love the newborn stage, too, when they’re so little bitty … but I LOVE the 6 month stage…sleeping through the night and giggles and smiles.
    All of it is so nice…but I don’t miss the sleep deprivation of the newborn phase. ugh.

  • Lots of content, but worth the read. Keep it coming.

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