Little O' This

A Sucker Is Born…

I am a sucker for cheesy gizmos that promise grandiose results.

I want the Magic Bullet, that big paint roller rod that sucks the paint up through the long chute so you don’t have to keep dipping your roller in the paint tray, and most recently I have my eyes set on the Swivel Sweeper.


swivel sweeper.jpg

This is what happens when your husband refuses to let you get cable TV.  All I can do is watch nauseating soaps and infomercials that get me salivating at the thought of having a floor so clean I can lick maple syrup off it.  

With wide eyes I watched an entire half hour presentation about the wonders of the Swivel Sweeper and tried to convince Steve that owning it will truly fulfill me.  He is a skeptic and I am a sucker.  After a few days of begging and pleading he said I could go ahead and order it but only if I could find an equally dim-witted friend to do the same so we could reap the benefits of the "If you call in the next 20 minutes we’ll send you TWO Swivel Sweepers for the price of ONE!" offer.

I successfully coerced a friend of mine to take the plunge with me and our sweepers should arrive in a few weeks. 

Really, is it sad that I am thrilled?

I’ll keep you posted as to whether or not this fandangled gadget actually motivates me to put forth any effort to clean our grimey floors.



  • As one who doesn’t have cable TV either, I sympathize with you. At least one channel should put something else on besides soap operas. Lame.

    The early morning infomercials are the most addicting. I want the ‘Nicer Dicer’. I’ve never heard of the Swivel Sweeper. Do tell us how it works!

  • There’s a great website for all that junk.

  • Just so you know, I absolutely love my bullet! You should consider it next, honest!! :)

  • I use the Bullet every day. I love it. I don’t think I could live without it.

  • The magic bullet is awesome and makes homemade baby food sooo easy to do. Buy it at Linens N Things. :)

  • Man, I feel out of touch…the magic bullet, the swivel sweeper…where have I been all my life? Can’t wait to hear how your S.S. works Amanda, you know how I like to admire my clean floors, maybe I’ll need one of those too!
    Give Ave a kiss from her grannie.

  • We have As Seen on TV stores in Ontario malls. You would be in heaven!

  • You almost convinced me to buy one of those suckers the other night with your sales pitch. I hope that it is everything that you have dreamed it would be and more.

  • Hehe! We have the magic bullet, it is our FAVORITE thing in our kitchen! It is awesome!!!!
    Sometimes those gizmos are cool! Let me know how it is, as I also saw it and kinda wanted to try it out. :)

  • Now I want a Magic Bullet!


  • Hey! I am that sucker friend who you conned into buying the swivel sweeper with you. I am equally excited. If it doesn’t work there is always the 60 day money back guarantee. (Not including shipping; we don’t have to tell our husbands that part.)

  • Amanda- you are halarious and we love you for it. I hope you and Tianna are happy with SS!!!

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