Hungry Mondays, Weight

Hungry Mondays, Week Five: December Scares Me


Last week:  151

This week:  150

This was a decent week, weight wise.  I might have gone a little over my points this weekend when I inhaled three sugar cookies and some pizza, using all my Flex Points (and them some) in a delicious two-hour time span.  But overall I behaved myself and continued to feel sated and confident of my progress.

Today marks the start of the yummiest month of the year, however, and I am feeling a tad anxious about how I am supposed to stay on track with my weight loss goals in the face of Christmas parties, dinners out, and a deep freeze full of buttery treats.  Is it realistic to want to even try to lose weight this month, or should I focus on maintaining my current weight?  The only problem with that notion is that I know that lowering my expectations to simply weight maintenance is the first step down a greasy slope and before I know it I’ll be undoing the button on my jeans while laying on the crumb-covered couch, surrounded by empty pans of shortbread squares and almond bark.  Soon “I’ll just try to maintain” will morph into “well, what’s a few pounds?”  which will, in turn, become, “10 pounds in a week isn’t so bad, is it?  Where are my sweat pants?!” I don’t want to backtrack on my progress.  But I also want to enjoy the holidays and not be the chubby girl in the corner at the party who is angrily gumming the carrot sticks.

Any tips out there on finding balance during this festive season?  Thanks, and I’ll see you next week!


  • Save those points for indulgences you REALLY want, and to balance them out eat very healthy the rest of the time- it’s all about give and take, as you know with weight watchers. You’ll do fine!! Maybe it won’t be as bad as you’re thinking…

  • The dietitian in me would tell you to give yourself an extra 5 points per day and/or add an extra 35 flex points per week (so a total of 70 per week) for December. Just a thought!

  • Exercise, exercise, exercise. This is the month of the year that I just work out a ton more – to keep up the losses and to make me think twice when I reach for another sugar cookie. It’s easier to be disciplined when you are sore from your push-ups the night before. Plus, the guilt from eating the first cookie isn’t so bad.

    I bump from one 30-minute video workout (currently Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred) in the evening to a video workout plus 30-40 min of walking in the early AM. It’s hard, very hard but my hubby does the video with me after the kiddo’s bedtime. It’s hysterical to see him flailing around the living room with me, but it is such great support. It’s the last thing I want to do at 8:30 PM but we motivate each other to get going. Getting up 45 minutes early to walk is me on my own, but I’ve done it for 2 solid weeks now. You make pies for Steve; maybe he can make a fool of himself for 30 minutes to help you on your journey.

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  • for me it was October when we visited family. I gained 3 pounds instead of losing my goal of 4 and the whole month felt like a waste. It’s taken me all of November to lose that weight and end up where I should have been at the end of October. Sigh. At least we’re moving house over the holidays so we’ll not be bringing too much food into the house.

    As for being the chubby girl in the corner with a carrot – no! That’s called baby-led weaning! (Fraser’s there but he prefers rice cakes). I like the exercise idea, or the five extra points… I failed miserably in October so don’t have any good advice :)

  • I’d say use the month to just maintain. Bump up the physical activity a notch and still keep track of points so you are atleast mindful of what you are eating. Oh, and I’ve heard that promising yourself a treat after supper makes it easier to get through the day.

    But I wouldn’t know. I don’t have that type of self-control. ;)

    Good luck and congrats on the loss of another pound. I’ve put on 10 lbs in 2 months. Help me.

  • Maybe we should start mall-walking with the kids to burn off some calories…

  • you and i couldn’t be friends in real life because i would ALWAYS tell you to just indulge.

    “Attention to health is life’s greatest hindrance” (Plato)

  • I always seemed to lose or maintain in December. Probably because of the crazy schedule but also because I always pigged out at the first party and then was pretty grossed out by it all for the rest of the month.

    I agree with the bumping up the exercise. Turn up the Christmas tunes and do some dancin’ with your ladies!

  • I am seaching for some idea to write in my blog… somehow come to your blog. best of luck. Eugene

  • Keep it up! Remember, weight wasn’t gained all in one day and it won’t be this time either. Eat healthy and within your points every day you can, and if some days you have a party to attend, allow yourself to enjoy the party within reason. Watch portions and know that you are strong! I know its easier for me if I make sure I keep the holiday treats out of the house!!!

  • I think the exercising will help, too, but I also have something I read on another blog. If you start to indulge and eat something good, if it’s not the very best cake/cookie/pie/whatever, STOP EATING IT. I have definitely eaten a ton of times where I was thinking, why am I eating this? It’s not even that good! So, I’ve tried to stop that, and if whatever I’m eating isn’t incredible, I put it back or throw it away. Good luck!

  • Тема ну просто пиздец.
    Неужели ничего поактуальней не нашлось?

  • I can soooo relate!!!

  • Dude, only one more pound and you’re in the 140s! That’s awesome, since it means you’re only ten pounds away from being in the 130s!! That’s progress, Amanda! Keep it up!

  • I am so going to pump up my exercise to keep on track. Also, if I limit the treats in the house I can’t eat them. I want to set a good example for my girls. They don’t need extra treats either. I am considering the shred dvd. Just enjoy the holidays within reason!

  • I am on my own weight loss journey right now too, and this is my plan:
    Only indulge at social events – no eating treats alone. And apparently- according to “French Women don’t get fat” the first two or three bites always taste the best so unless it is the best thing you have ever tasted then stop after that. I admit this is a difficult proposition for me and I am not sure how it will go but that is part of the “plan”. Also..ordered 30 day shred DVD too. As a back up ;)
    I already have the urge to bake though, and have already eaten a rather large piece of candy cane bark so…we’ll see.

  • I have read that it can be good to splurge one day a week because it can speed up the metabolism. It has something to do with the body not thinking it is going through starvation. Exercising is a good idea too, but I tend to gain weight initially when I’m exercising a lot and building muscle.

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