Hungry Mondays

Hungry Mondays, Week 11: It’s About Time


Last week (and the five before it): 149

This week: 148

Finally!  Good-bye, 149!  It’s been nice, but I am never coming back to you, you clingy jerk.

Ah, you have no idea how sweet it is to finally see the scale budge away from that number.  This week was hard, though.  I was literally clawing my way through the days when it came to my WW motivation, caring for my children, tending to my disastrous sty of a house, etc.  I was in a rough place and not being able to just have a cookie to ease my woe made the woe even worse.  I found myself again focusing on the “why is it so hard for me to lose weight?!” aspect of this journey, as though it’s a breeeze for everyone else.  I know that’s not true.  I did have a moment of weakness when, after fighting the urge for two hours, I waltzed over to the cookie jar and wolfed down a few of those Homemade Oreos, even though I had already used my Flex Points for the week.  Owell.  It’s not about perfection, rather persistence.   And persist I shall!  Now that I’ve seen the scale inch to the left a little, I am hungry (ha!) for more progress.

This week will come with a new set of challenges as my dear pal, Christy, who moved to Alberta last year, is coming for a visit.  She too has just started Weight Watchers and we’re planning to hold each other accountable.  That means we’ll be noshing on edamame and sipping Diet Coke.  Sounds fine on paper, but when a long-lost friend comes to visit, one feels the urge to celebrate, you know?  And go out for dinner, and bake cupcakes, and down full-fat Starbucks drinks.  Alas, I am hoping that when I am weak she’ll be strong, and vice versa, since we both have the same goal in mind.  We can have fun without focusing on food, right?  (Don’t answer that.)


  • Friendship is all about food. Really, it is. Imagine every fun time you’ve had with a friend? It involved food or drink, didn’t it?

    I’m kidding. You and Christy will be able to do it! Hold each other accountable and pry each other’s hands out of the cookie jar.

    Great work on another pound lost!

  • Way to go!!!!!

    I have lots to lose myself and am struggling with lots of emotional stuff here… This week is gonna be hard… :-(
    Jillian (30 day shred) may have to be thrown to the side this week. :-)

  • That is awesome! My own “final five” pregnancy pounds are so much harder to lose than the rest of ’em. I started calculating points six weeks ago, and it’s definitely a blow to discover that even the beloved SKINNY vanilla latte is 3 points. Rats.

  • I have a sudden craving for Edamame.

    Sushi, anyone?

  • Wow! Congrats!

  • I’m proud of you! You and Christy need to be good so that we can eat at Joey’s on Saturday with no guilt ;)

  • Congratulations! I hope you have a wonderful week with another loss.

  • My Starbucks drink when I’m being a good girl is a soy latte. It is just soy milk and espresso and is a great “cheat” for not all that bad of a drink! If you try it, let me know what you think…curses or smiles alike.

  • Way to go on that pound! Have fun with your friend.

  • Great job! I guess those oreos didn’t hurt you too much. I baked ginger snaps yesterday and probably ate ten of them. Ugh. When will I learn?

  • We have an apple pie (LOVE PIE) sitting on our counter and it has been taunting me since the moment it got there. It’s only a few Oreos; you will prevail! (Say the last part in a fun voice, please, or it just sounds ridiculous.)

  • Way to go!

  • Try a skinny vanilla latte at starbucks instead – only 90 calories and yummy!

  • it’ll be so much easier since you’re BOTH on the same plan! have fun…and non-fat Starbucks is just as good as regular Starbucks!

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