Life of Leisure (Bah!)

Over the Hump

OK, so we’re halfway through this week from the pit and things are going better in some areas, and worse in others, than I had expected.

For instance, by Wednesday afternoon I had used up all of my Flex Points for the week and I have yet to lose an ounce. And after nearly three years Avelyn finally figured out that she could scale the slats of her crib and that this would be the best week to do so.  So we moved her (sob!) into a big girl bed.  She looked so small and so big all at once last night as I tucked her in.  And I had to make 50 cups of that “Dirt and Worms” dessert (you know, with the Oreo crumbs and the pudding/cream cheese/cool whip mousse, then more Oreo crumbs on top and then a couple gummi worms peeking out the top layer? Yeah, those) last night for a function tomorrow and seriously, it did not go well.  I was on the floor with a HAMMER pounding the cookies into crumbs in a ziploc bag (note to self: buy food processor) while Jolie WAILED in her high chair and Avelyn tried to ram as many gummi worms into her mouth as possible while I wasn’t looking.  And the whole kitchen was a disaster, and did I mention the crying, and the HAMMER, and the crumbs flying everywhere, and the pudding was globbing all over the cups and I was like, “This is supposed to be FUN!  But it’s TOTALLY NOT!” and then Steve came home and saw the chaos and said, “I’m going to Kelowna to buy a dirtbike.  See ya!  PS: What’s for dinner?” and then I almost cried.  I tossed a pizza in the oven, he scarfed down a few slices then left (lucky FOOL) and the crying continued, then the shower curtain fell on Avelyn while she was having her bath and I as trying to feed Jolie.  Gah!  Life is nuts ’round these parts.

Anyways, the Dirt cups got made, the kitchen got halfway tidied up, the kids went to bed and I just laid on the couch like a zombie for an hour or so, then I felt marginally better.

How is anyone able to keep it together while being a parent?


  • I’m not sure…but I think you’re doing a great job.

  • Oh your story sounds so miserable! Applause to you for holding it together and somehow getting them to bed. I like the “laid on the couch like a zombie” trick. Don’t be afraid to use it lots.

  • Good question.

    I, also, lay on the couch like a zombie after the kids go to bed. I don’t think I’m capable of doing much else :)

  • Oh darlin’ you’re just getting started! I just recently found your blog and it takes me back to baby days. I had my first two kids 18 months apart and have so many stories like yours. I also stay at home and when #3 was born I was trying to potty train #2 which was craziness! Let’s just say there were bare bottoms all over the house with all three at home b/c nobody was old enough for school! Now the older two are in 3rd and 1st grade and the “baby” is at home with me. He’s 4 and doesn’t like to be called the baby but we both know he’ll always be! :) I look back and realize I tried my best and that’s all you can ask for. You are doing a great job and putting them to bed and chillin’ on the couch is every mom’s personal quiet time!

  • You hold it together just because your kids need you too. Then when the oldest tells you he is joining the National Guard, you fall completely apart, not because you don’t believe… but because you are scared to death. Hold them tight, hug them often, don’t miss out on one little tiny bit. I wish I was back where you are.

  • I’m pretty sure you finally manage the keeping it together business a week after you move into the retirement home or the insane asylum. Whichever comes first…I’m not sure these days :)

    Sounds like you’re doing a pretty good job surviving it all.

  • You are doing great and you are not alone. I look forward to nap time every day and instead of getting things done because there are so many things to get done, I just lay on the couch and recoup. This to shall pass – enjoy every moment.

  • You are totally not alone…sometimes I ask myself, why did I sign up for this. Two is 5x the work of one!

    PS. Love the idea of ‘Worms N Dirt’ more than the reality ;)

  • if you find out how to keep it together let me know, are barely treading water, life with little ones is quite chaotic.

  • I was wondering about when to switch to a (in our case) big boy bed so thanks for that info!

    I absolutely loved what Mama Bear said. Puts things in perspective.

    ps. you probably don’t want to hear this but did you know you could buy oreo crumbs?

  • We do not have it together at all we are just really good actresses/actors!

  • That sounds really awful. Next time call me and I will come help out! I’m sure I couldn’t comfort Jolie but I could have at least helped out with the worms and dirt!

    I definitely don’t have it all together and some days are better than others. However, since having the kids I have learned my limits of what I can reasonably take on. I don’t make appointments for times of the day that I know will be stressful and I don’t attend or help out with everything that I could/should. Basically, I avoid biting off more than I can chew and that seems to keep stress and chaos at a minimum.

    Remember what Christy said. You have to give yourself permission to just survive this first year with two. Not only are you surviving but somehow you did it while cranking out 50 cups of worms and dirt! You’re doing great!

  • We don’t keep it together. We all lose it from time to time! Really, the only way to keep it together is to let it go! Pounding cookies with a hammer sounds like a good method of release.

  • Wow, you clearly go above and beyond with that dessert. For the kids in our family, we just make chocolate jell-o pudding, crush up some cookies, toss a worm on top and call it a day.

  • Also, congratulations (and *hugs*) on the big girl bed.

  • Oh my. If I had a day like that, none of those dirt cup things would make it out of my house.

    Hope you have a better rest of the week!!

  • ps. I’m able to keep it together by sleeping all day and making my husband do everything.

  • Ha,ha,ha,ha!! Sorry! I can’t help it. I just have this vision of you wildly weilding that hammer. Pre-crushed choc. graham cookie crumbs would have worked wouldn’t they? I’m sorry I didn’t know those desserts were in the frig today or Jolie & I might have snuck a taste!
    I wondered why your shower curtain was in a ball in the tub today when I was in the bathroom. Poor Avelyn; poor you! Have fun tomorrow & bask in all the glory you’re going to get when everyone oooohs & ahhhs over those (dastardly) desserts:)

  • wielding?

  • I don’t know. But I can tell you that 4 out of 5 days a week are just like that at my house. And at lest one weekend day… with a husband either working or pretending to do something more important than helping me. I can totally relate to the zombie state after bedtime. I’m currently experiencing it. And am surprised I am still able to type.

  • This is part of many reasons why I’m scared to have kids. I have days like these and I’m not a Mommy yet!

  • I think “together” is a matter of perspective and opinion!!

  • Your husband needs to be kicked in the head for leaving you with all that. Just sayin.

    But I think that’s a typical husband reaction.

    I’m exhausted, too, so let’s hire a babysitter to take on our kiddos and then we can go TAKE A NAP!!! lol.

  • I am impressed that you didn’t cry when he asked what was for dinner. I would have lost it at that moment. So I think you are doing pretty damn awesome!

  • I totally don’t have it together, and moms that try to my it look like they do drive me crazy. It’s so fake!
    I hate to tell you this after the fact, but you can buy Oreo cookie crumbs in a box from the baking section. :(

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