Little O' This

Following Suit

  1. I used to hate my middle name.  Now I like it so much that I gave it to my daughter as her middle name.
  2. I bought my wedding dress before I was even engaged. 
  3. I was valedictorian at my elementary and high school graduations.  Look what good that did.
  4. I check my blog and my email account obsessively.  Steve thinks I am addicted.  I think he may be right.
  5. My favourite food is pizza.  From Pizza Hut.  Lots of cheese and pepperoni.
  6. I had my tonsils taken out when I was 16 because I had all of these gross chunks of smelly cottage cheese growing in the gnarled caverns of my tonsils.  Nice, I know.
  7. At turkey dinners I rarely eat the turkey.  I usually take a courtesy slice and place it on my plate but fill my tummy with stuffing instead.
  8. I love carbs:  bread, bread, and more bread.  With butter, please.
  9. When I was little I tasted my own ear wax, hoping it would be as tasty as my boogers.  It was not.
  10. My favourite band is Counting Crows.  I think they provide the perfect soundtrack for so many moments of life. 
  11. When I deliver my next child I want the epidural when I am one cm. dilated.
  12. I hate running.  I have tried to like it, but only really like it when it’s over.
  13. I prefer baking to cooking.
  14. When I do cook, I like down home meals like chicken pot pie, beef stew.  Or maybe McDonald’s.
  15. I chew my nails.  Sometimes I make myself bleed because I chew so much skin off my fingers.  It’s sad.
  16. I don’t want to try scuba diving.
  17. If I could go anywhere in the world I would choose the Greek Islands.
  18. I am good at charades.
  19. Sometimes when I tell a really funny story or joke I get laughing to hard that I can’t continue and end up with tears streaming down my face while my shoulders heave silently.  Then when I finally compose myself enough to finish the joke or story people are disappointed with how unfunny it actually is. 
  20. The inside of my belly button smells like cheez whiz. 
  21. I have broken both of my arms. 
  22. I used to wear a 32AA.
  23. Now I wear a 34E. ***Wow.  I wrote this list while I was pregnant and blossoming with the promise of new life.  After breastfeeding for seven months my mammoth mammaries have shrunk back down to a very shrivelled 34B.***
  24. Steve is frightened by this development. 
  25. I have never shoplifted.  Even when all my friends were shoveling stolen chocolate bars into their duffel bags.  But then I ate the lifted goods.  Is that just as bad as stealing?
  26. I would like to drive a convertible while wearing a silk kerchief on my head while driving along windy roads.
  27. I had a cat named Misty who drooled a lot when you petted her.
  28. Sometimes I choke on my own spit.
  29. Despite its offensive early 90’s décor, Boston Pizza is my favourite restaurant.  Garlic twist bread, cactus cut nachos, and buffalo chicken fingers.  Oh, yes.
  30. Even when I was really skinny I had dimply bum cheeks.
  31. Sometimes Rolo is really annoying and I wish I had a blow dart gun to poke him with to get him to quit whining.
  32. I think that death by drowning would be pretty terrible.
  33. I hate my kitchen counter.  It is beige with gold flecks. 
  34. I cannot believe I am only one third through this thing.
  35. I hate plucking my eyebrows.
  36. I hate potato sprouts.
  37. I used to have a pair of earrings where one earring was a monkey and the other was a banana.  I thought that was the most clever idea ever and wore them everywhere.
  38. I hate wearing contacts.  And glasses.  So I just squint and live in a blurry world.
  39. I hate the lavender toilet, sink and tub in our downstairs bathroom.  Who would DO THAT?!
  40. When Avelyn belly-laughed for the first time I nearly burst into tears of joy.  We were at Pizza Hut (score!) so I tried to contain myself.
  41. I used to have a fungus toe nail and had to take special pills every day to make it go away.  It did.  And hasn’t come back.  Want to give me a foot massage?  Neither does Steve. 
  42. I used to seriously be addicted to m & m’s and survived solely on the little candy gems for two years. 
  43. One summer I sold television advertising and wanted to slit my wrists every time I walked into a business and tried to get them to purchase a spot. 
  44. My armpit hair isn’t very thick.  One time I tried to grow it out but was rather unsuccessful.
  45. I can pick my nose with my tongue.  How’s that for a party trick?
  46. I like to sleep. 
  47. I am neither a morning person nor a night person.  I am good from 10:00 am until 8:00 pm.
  48. I like a clean house.  I do not like doing what it takes to make that house clean. 
  49. If we could afford a housekeeper I would totally hire one.  And also, she would massage my feet.
  50. My favourite flowers are blue hydrangeas.
  51. My eyes are grayish blue. 
  52. I wish Steve would let me get cable.  But I am also kind of glad that he won’t.  I think I would become a TV hermit from whose white-knuckled grip he wouldn’t be able to pry the remote from.
  53. My favourite TV shows are:  Arrested Development (Bah!  It got cancelled!), Ellen’s talk show, Grey’s Anatomy, and Lost.
  54. I haven’t scrubbed my tub in over a month.
  55. The first blog I ever read was Leah’s.  She’s cool.
  56. I have never been drunk, for fear that I would enjoy it too much. 
  57. My grandpa was an alcoholic so I know how addiction can ruin a family.
  58. My drink of choice is any diet soda.  Death by aspartame, baby.
  59. I played the part of Frenchie in my high school’s production of Grease.
  60. I love the song “Lovers in a Dangerous Time.” It always gives me chills.
  61. I used to have a mammoth crush on Jonathan Taylor Thomas and kissed a Bop poster of him every night before going to bed.
  62. My mom wanted me to marry Prince William. 
  63. I used to love the smell of White Shoulders perfume.  Now it makes me gag.
  64. I still love Om perfume by the Gap and even though it’s discontinued I bought some on eBay and have a pretty good stash going on.
  65. My nose is kind of big.  But I kind of like it that way.
  66. I definitely don’t want more than three kids.  Even three is a stretch!  Too many faces!
  67. I have long, skinny toes, like my dad’s. 
  68. I really like my brother now.  He’s three years younger than I, and he used to drive me bonkers, but now he’s cool.
  69. One time when we were driving he put my favourite blankie in his mouth and was taunting me.  So I pulled it out of his mouth, taking one of his teeth with it. 
  70. I wouldn’t do very well on Jeopardy.
  71. I would do very well on Deal or No Deal!
  72. I want a really good digital SLR camera, and fast!
  73. I can type about 60 words a minute. 
  74. Rolo doesn’t respect me.  He only obeys when I tease him with a treat.
  75. I have never cooked a turkey. 
  76. When we were kids my mom would give our cats the turkey neck and gizzards to eat.  I thought that was pretty disgusting.
  77. I hate reptiles and slimy things.  And bugs too.
  78. I don’t think I’m going to be ready to go back to work when my maternity leave is up.
  79. I am a picky eater.  I figure, I only have so many calories I can eat in a day, they may as well be spent on things I love.
  80. I have the metabolism of a snail.  Meaning, it’s slow.  I don’t really know, maybe snails have a fast metabolic rate and that’s a poor analogy.
  81. I don’t like it when people use LOL.
  82. But I always use :) this smiley face and assume it probably bugs some people the same way LOL bugs me.
  83. I only like water if it’s really cold, and with crushed ice.
  84. My favourite drink at Starbucks is the caramel frapuccino.  But only if my friend, Jess, makes it and drizzles three pounds of caramel in it. 
  85. I never wore braces. 
  86. I would like to have my teeth whitened someday. 
  87. My latest nickname for Avelyn is Turkey Lips.  I mean it as a term of endearment, really.
  88. Tonight I am going to Christy’s house to watch Grey’s Anatomy.
  89. I have an innie.
  90. I used to sing like Ariel in the shower.
  91. This list took longer than I thought it would to complete.
  92. I ran in the 10 km Vancouver Sun Run in 2001.  It took me about an hour to finish.  I am a portly penguin.
  93. I hate seafood.
  94. I rarely wear jewellery, aside from my wedding ring and a tiny pearl pendant on a thin silver chain.
  95. I love autumn.
  96. I am not opposed to plastic surgery (read:  I want a breast lift, tummy tuck and some lipo for good measure, once I’m done birthing babies)
  97. I pledge to never wear leggings. 
  98. Or skinny jeans.
  99. Unless I happen to get really skinny.
  100. I am trying to think of a strong, witty way to finish this but am drawing a blank.


  • I love reading other peoples 100 lists. Thanx Amanda.

  • Nice work!
    I pulled out my younger sisters tooth once too. She was chewing on something, pretending to be a dog, and one end was attached to something else, and I karate chopped it, like the cool Pink Power Ranger I was. :)

  • it was really nice to read about you. i found your blog coz you’re on other’s blog i read. it was cute to see pics of you and your family. what i liked the most, was how grateful you’re for having steve as your husband. :) that was really cute.
    have a great thanksgiving! (i’m cooking the turkey this year) Yikes!

  • Your boobs are HUGE!

  • Wow..that is so cool. I’m afraid to start a ‘100 things about me’ list as I don’t think I could think of 100 things.

    I like the thing about eating your earwax. I did that accidently one time – it tastes DISGUSTING and it kinda tingles…or maybe that’s just me.

  • There sure were a lot of references to turkey in there. Very fun list.

  • You never cease to make me laugh!



  • I had a life size, bigger than life actually, poster of Leo DiCaprio in grade 11 or 12. I made out with it on a regular basis.
    JTT was never for me though. I guess we wouldn’t have gotten into a catfight over them then. That’s good.

  • I am de-lurking – seems to be a trend :)

    to tell you that I also have an innie, love Pizza Hut pizza and use LOL lots.

    Sorry :-)

  • So many things to comment on! I can’t do it!

    Let’s just say I love you even more now. I wish we could be neighbors. It would certainly make it easy for me to steal your baby periodically.

  • Your blog never ceases to leave me with tears of laughter. It is certainly one of my daily “surfing” stops. And funny to hear you mention JTT and Bop, takes a girl back a few years.

  • oops, by the way, the anonymous was me!

    And I also check my email and blogs frequently. It is an addiction. I like it.

  • De-lurking here for a minute to tell you that I have Om body wash, perfume and lotion (all in the little bottles) that I’ve never opened and for some reason havne’t taken a liking to. I’d be willing to donate it to your stash, you’re the first person I’ve heard/read that likes it :)

    Also, I love Pizza Hut pizza and also obsessively check my blog and email everytime I see my computer in passing.

    Great list!

  • I totally had those earrings, too!!! I am going to do my 100 right now.

  • That was an awesome list!

    I did one of those a while ago and it is totally really hard to come up with 100 interesting things.

    I have never cooked a turkey either. Surprisingly, I probably never will.

  • My sister gave her baby girl the nickname Pumpkin Head. Guess there’s a Thanksgiving theme going on?

  • Great list!

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