Little O' This

Turning the Corner

Since the onset of my illness on our weekend getaway I have grown sicker each day.  The fever passed after 24 hours (thank the heavens) but my throat became a war zone.  I have had to brace myself against the corner of a table, or clench my fists and hold my breath each time I swallow.  Also, I have a dreadful cough and each hacking session releases shards of phlegm that ricochet off my inflamed gullet making my eyes water.  Remember when I accused Steve of being a whining invalid?  Well, I am putting him to shame with my declarations of "I am DYING.  Slowly, but surely, DYING" and "My throat……it HURRRRRRRTS!" and "Hack, hack, can you get me a slurpeeeee?"
I have been having a great visit with Jen although being sick kind of puts a damper on things.  
Today I decorated our tree and it looks swell.  Last year I bought a bunch of new decorations on boxing day for half price and I forgot what good taste I had until I brought them out of their dusty storage boxes.  I’ll post some pictures when my throat feels less like a rusty pipe that’s just had a quart of Drano poured down it.   


  • This always works when I have a sore throat:

    mix 1 tsp salt with the juice of one lemon (you have to use a real lemon not just lemon juice) and 3/4 water.

    Warm it up slightly and gargle one mouthful for 1 minute 4 or more times a day. It’ll dry your throat out, but you’ll feel better. It should go away in 24 hrs or less. I did this when I got a nasty NASTY sore throat before my wedding.

    I hope you feel better soon…being sick with a baby SUCKS!

  • Aww. I hope you feel better soon and that you get to enjoy every last minute of your long-awaited visit.

  • Uggh…who likes being sick?? Sorry for you. I have a sick 4 yr. old and it’s not too much fun either. When I have a sore throat, I always try to gargle with a bit of listerine…seems simple, but it can help if you haven’t already tried that.
    And make sure to go into the doc if it’s not clearing up…it almost sounds like strept throat.

  • ok, now that you’re part of the Brown family, i’m going to give you a little bit of wisdom passed down from my grandma, to my dad and then to me.

    If you wrap a warm sock around your neck when you sleep, your sore throat will feel better when you wake up. You’ll look stupid, but it helps. Also, gargle mouthwash.

    over and out

  • Sorry that you’ve had such a rough week. I had good intentions of offering to have Avelyn, but Bob’s been sicker than a dog all week & Hailey has now been sick for the past few days too so….it didn’t seem ideal to have baby over. I’m pooped out just from “nursing” everyone!
    Hope you’re on the mend, maybe I can have Ave later in the week?

  • When you finally feel like you are over it, change your toothbrush.

    Get better soon!

  • yuck! it’s so hard feeling sick with a baby. I hope you turn the corner soon and start feeling better! (my family remedy for colds is a hot toddy).

  • Maybe you should go to the doc, it might be strep throat or something!! It is never good when you have to struggle to swallow, i’d check it out!

  • Oh, you poor thing!! That just sucks. Hope you feel better soon.

  • Hi here is some ‘motherly’ advise…Gargle with Tea Tree Oil just 2-3 drops in water It tastes REALLY BAD but it will work…unless you have Strep or something.

  • I hope you feel better. It sucks to be sick when you have visitors and during the holidays. Avelyn is growing way too fast. The last time I saw her she looked like a newborn and now she looks like mini-Steve. Crazy how the time goes. Glad you are having fun with Jen. Feel better.

  • The upside – your voice sounds saucy!


  • Feel better soon!

  • Hope you get better soon. I hate being sick when you are responsible for taking care of kids.

  • Get better soon.

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