What About Blog?


I find myself pulling away from this space.

When I first started blogging, over four years ago, I think I might have had some teeny, tiny dreams of making it big as a writer, finding a paid gig online somewhere, or at the very least becoming friends with all the cool, big-name bloggers I loved to read. In those early days I commented on a lot of blogs, and made some connections with writers whose work I really admired. I assumed that I would go to BlogHer and we’d all hang out and become friends and keep in touch over the year, then meet at BlogHer again and wear McDonald’s bags on our heads and take funny pictures. But for various reasons over the past four years I have never been able to attend BlogHer and I have become totally OK with that. Realistically it would cost close to $2000 for me to go to the conference in New York next year and while I could start saving money now and begging Steve to let me go, the truth of the matter is that there are other things I would rather spend that cash on first: a trip somewhere with my husband, replacing the lavender toilet in our downstairs bathroom with something from this decade, or a shopping get-away with close friends. I know that people who have gone to BlogHer and met their blogging friends in real life experience true friendship bonds with those people, but since I have yet to experience it for myself I don’t really know what I’m missing, and I think it just might stay that way. This is not to say that I wouldn’t love to meet some of the really cool folks whose blogs I have read for years, and if they ever felt the desire to visit the Okanagan I would be thrilled.


I haven’t been as driven to be a part of the online community. When I go a week without posting, I don’t feel the itch to write and share anymore. Perhaps this is a phase, a summer slump. Or maybe it’s the beginning of the end of this blog.  I don’t know. 

I don’t mean to get all blog crisis-y on you, but just wanted you to know what’s been swirling around this head of mine as of late.


  • I’ve loved your blog, Amanda. When I stopped updating mine you wrote: “Come back. The internet needs you!” I’m quite tempted to say something similar, but won’t. Best of luck for all that lies ahead.

  • You were the first “big” blogger who commented on my site. I saved the comment (email notification of, at least) in my inbox to remind myself that someone really cool took the time to comment on my really uncool space. I feel I’ve watched Avelyn grow up, and I’ve loved it.

    I remember when you emailed to say you were trying for baby #2 as we were trying for baby #1, and I remember vividly when you got pregnant with Karenna and I was ridiculously happy first, even though I wasn’t always ridiculously happy when people got pregnant when I wasn’t.

    I totally understand where you’re coming from. In fact, it makes sense that like all things blogs should/would have a lifespan. They begin, they end. But, from one fan, I’d miss you like crazy if you were ever to fade off.

    And I hope I can make a trip up there to meet you one day. I never rule anything out, no matter how unlikely they may seem to others.

  • I hope you don’t stop altogether! I totally understand the stepping back thing though. But stay around! Even if it’s just once in a while. I love hearing your thoughts, even if it’s just once a week.

  • You and I have talked about this a lot (and will probably do so at the beach this morning) so I know what you’re saying.

    I’ve watched your site ebb and flow as you write more and then write less. I think you have it in the space where a lot of people don’t; it’s here when you want it and you can take a break when you need to.

    Don’t hit the delete button, just know that it (and everyone reading) is here when and if you want to share.

    Love you.

  • i just want you to know…you are a big blogger to me, one of the ones I get excited to see a new post from in my reader. Do what your heart tells you to do, but know that you WILL be missed if you go. :)

  • Amanda, you are such a dear and lovable young woman. I too have read your blog since Avelyn was a baby and have so greatly enjoyed watching you all grow as a family.
    Live ebbs and flows, we excitedly start new chapters in our lives which serve us in various ways.
    I would miss you terribly if you decide not to post occasionally but you should do what the Lord leads you to and what will be best for you and your family.

    Do consider how precious these posts will be in the future to your darling daughters so they will know who there mama was when they were too young to remember.

  • It’s all relative; YOU are a big-name blogger to me :) I really enjoy reading your blog and hope that you don’t decide to stop writing forever. That being said, everyone needs a break every once in a while. Do what feels right for you.

  • I don’t comment enough but I have been reading for a while and I really enjoy your space. I get what you are feeling. As much as I’d like to keep reading, this has to be what works for you. Make it work (erm, I am not Tim Gunn but it’s a good catch phrase!). Or not.

  • Hi Amanda, I have never commented on your blog before but have been reading it for quite awhile as I found it through Liz’s blog (she and I went to highschool together) I really enjoy your writing style and listening as you go through the challenges of life with kids. It’s tough! It’s fun! It’s unbelievably rewarding! You write beautifully and I hope that you will continue even if sporadically.

  • Ditto, ditto, and ditto with what everyone else said. I don’t even remember how I found your blog, but you always know how to make me laugh, or feel like I can relate (a 3 year old daughter that drives me NUTS some days, or having 2 kids -or 3 in my case – is HARD!!!!, etc etc).
    You are totally a “big blogger” to me. I remember last year in the Okanagan driving through Summerland and wondering where you were, or looking around at the beach to see if I saw your face (because I’m a creepy stalker like that). Next time, I’ll just let you know I’m coming and we can meet up. Y’know, cuz I’ll miss ya if you cut this thing off!!! :)

  • I completely understand and relate to your post. I have been reading you since I started blogging two and a half years ago and I remember learning through you that not all people comment back just because you comment on their blog. Now I’ve become one of those people and like you said, I don’t worry when I don’t write and sometimes I feel shallow about the things I do post because they aren’t all that interesting. I also do not wish to spend thousands of dollars on blog evens when I am starting my life with my fiancé.

    Regardless, I hope you continue to write from time to time. I do enjoy hearing what you are up to when you do.

  • We WILL meet one day, mark my words. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  • Did you just read my mind?

    heh. Seriously, I have thought the same thing…but I’m not a great writer. I don’t like putting the thought into it. I’d rather just write how I talk…which is in fragments. lol.

    You can’t leave. Just post whenever. You know you’d miss us! :)

  • I would miss you alot.

  • I do my blog for the sake of my son and the fact that I’m terrible at photo albums and journaling. I really don’t care if anyone reads it and am looking forward to printing it once a year to hard copy.

    I think your girls will one day cherish the delight you had with them (pooper spatula and all), so my vote is keep it up…at your pace.

    I, too, would miss you a lot.

  • 1. I completely understand this. Sometimes a blog morphs from being this creative outlet to Must! Document! Every! Detail! It happened to me, and then I looked around and realized how much of my life I was missing. I’m glad I had my blog when I did, and I’m glad I ditched it when I did. You just have to do what’s right for you, and not let the blog rule you. You’re in charge.

    2. Eh, I don’t see what’s so funny about the bags-on-heads party anyway. It just looks to me like everyone is drunkenly shilling for McDonald’s.

  • [A different Heather than the one above!]

    I don’t have anything compelling to offer other than the fact that I have been reading your site for about two years and check it every day. I’ve never commented so you wouldn’t know I was here. I suppose that is unfair — me wanting you ‘there’ and you not knowing I was ‘here’.

    Please do whatever best serves yourself and your family. But know that your blog is valued and your absence would be missed.

  • We all have to move on from things… but I would sooo miss this blog!! I don’t even know you and I totally enjoy reading your stories and laughing along as my kids are in the same age range as yours (I even have a bunch of friends that now check out your blog too)

    Everything in life has it’s season & my prayer for you is that you follow where God’s leading you!!

  • Don’t go!

  • I don’t know if I ever told you, but I’ve been blogging for about 2 years now. It started out as a “baby blog” for my family when I got pregnant, then when we settled on the name Avelyn for our daughter I googled it, found your blog and fell in love.

    You introduced me to the world of blogging, and I’ve found some great reads since then but I still get excited when I open my Reader and see you have a new post. I love your stories, your style, your honesty and the beautiful pictures of your girls.

    I too have been waning in my posts, and I admit I feel a stab of high school-ish jealousy when I know the blog writers I love aren’t interested in mine. I hope you won’t give it up completely, maybe just post when you’ve got a story to tell and don’t worry about it any other time. We would miss you if you were gone. And not that it matters but we’ve got people in Canada, and we keep talking about coming up there one summer. In my imagination I am the weirdo Kickyboots fan that stalks you down and asks to see you but since you don’t know me you’re just freaked out and say no because you’re so big time and I’m such a little unknown nobody. Just saying. :)

  • I think it is more important to be part of your community than an online community. Sure it is an ego boost to have “popular bloggers” comment on your blog, or hundreds of comments, but at the end of the day it is your family and friends that are really there for you when it counts. I have loved reading your blog, but you are a busy mom with 2 beautiful girls who need you more than we need new posts every day. Blog for you, not for anyone else! Just my two cents worth!

  • I like everyone else, love your blog too! I look forward to your new posts. I went to high school with Becky Vriend (now Fletcher) and found your blog through hers. You are a great writer, I find myself laughing outloud on numerous occasions!

    If you feel the need to go for the valid reasons you’ve listed above, then do it. You’ve gotta do what’s best for YOU. We will miss you though! :)

  • Hey I’m just a lurker. I hope you don’t call it quits because I enjoy your blog. Personally I don’t mind if blog posts are a bit few and far between. But if you feel you’re done with this blog I hope you continue writing in some way because you’re good at it!

  • I feel the same way lately! Mostly because every post I write could basically be summed up by: this is my kid. i think he’s cute. he makes me happy…and drives me crazy.

    Basically that is my day…everyday.

  • I, too, hope that you will continue to write in some way. I’m sure you will because writing seems to be something that you were born to do. I have enjoyed reading your posts and seeing your photos. You have exposed me to things that I would not have known about, such as what it is like to be Canadian (e.g., I learned about poutine, thanks to you, and really want to try it) and the joys and funny moments that come with raising a family. When you mentioned your concerns about your figure, even though you looked so good in your photos, I realized that I had to find the beauty in myself, because quite often we don’t see ourselves the way others do and we should. So, thanks for expanding my mind and making me laugh.

  • I don’t comment often (or at all) but I had to say how much I enjoy your blog. Being in the same life stage, I love being able to read your witty take on the crazy life of a mom at home with little ones! Hope you keep writing, as I would miss the laughs you give me. And the cute pictures of your pretty babies!

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