Little O' This

Acts of Kindness

Sometimes people suck.  They can be rude and ignorant and full of ill intentions.  But sometimes people don’t suck.  They can be downright swell, actually.  In the past two days I have had two really nice "people are great!" moments and thought you might like to hear what they were:

 While at the local ice cream parlor with some girl friends feverishly licking my double scoop in a waffle cone, I came up for air and saw through the window that two preteens were huddled by the driver’s side of my car, fiddling with something and snickering to one another.  When they sprinted off down the street, I charged outside to see the damage.  I assumed they had stuck a wad of gum in my side view mirror, or smeared a log of dog poo on my window.  I was ready to gallop down the street after them in all of my pregnant glory, body slam them with the girth of Kicky Boots and tell them that if they ever messed with my Corolla again I would send my attack dog, Rolo, to bite their crotches.  But as I neared my car I saw what they had really done:  they had gently wedged a blossoming iris in my side view mirror.  Only in Summerland, hey?  What a sweet little gesture.  I couldn’t help but smile.

Then today I get a call from my dear friend, Vicki.  She has spent the past 18 months in New Zealand and is getting her bearings being back home and trying to decide what to do with her life.  Anyways, she phoned me at work and asks if I want to do lunch with her.  Of course I did!  She told me that she was going to pack a picnic for us and pick me up at noon.  She showed up with homemade grilled panini sandwiches, fruit salad, diet coke, and a platter of fresh baking.  We had a leisurely lunch in the park, savouring the delectable goods she brought, and just got caught up on what’s been going on lately. 

People, they’re really neat sometimes. 


  • That makes me want to do a Random Act of Kindness. What a nice post. Sometimes people surprise you. So nice!

  • That was so cute with the iris. That made my day too. I’m with Susie. Those random acts of kindness can really make a persons day and should be done WAY more. :)

  • What a nice thing those people did for you. Pay it forward. M

  • That’s sweet. What cute kids putting a flower on your car. Remember “Rake and Run”? Your story took me way back to those days.

  • I can’t believe they left you a flower – so sweet!

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