Domesticity, Family Matters, Life of Leisure (Bah!), My Girl, My Girl 2.0, My Girl 3.0

Head Above Water

I feel like I’m treading water. Treading, treading, treading. This stage of life is just so nuts and there are times when I feel like we’ve got our act together and are making it through just fine, then other times when I feel like I suck at life, that I could be doing it all so much better.

Through it all, though, we’re together and finding our ways with love all around.

I finally got my laundry folded, for those who were wondering. It only took four hours. Not even kidding. That would be an example of the “I suck at life” side of the coin, wondering why I can’t stay on top of simple tasks like that. But then I think of what really matters: loving my husband, my kids, my friends. That’s what’s truly important. But having clean underwear also fits into the equation somehow, right? It’s finding the balance between the ‘big picture’ stuff and the ‘we need dinner and some skid mark-free gich, MOM!’ stuff.

I think I am still recovering from this past year and all it held: being pushed to the limits of sanity while battling endless months of sleep deprivation, taking the real estate course and exam, starting (and, shockingly, sticking to) a fairly demanding fitness program, juggling life with three demanding kids. It’s all taken a toll that I am still paying. All of the things I did were good and I’m glad to have accomplished them, but I think they wore me out more than I realized and I’m gradually finding my way back to where I want to be, but with new challenges being added all the time. Like starting a brand new career.

Anyways, I feel like I need to explain why things have been quiet around here on the blog. I am still writing twice a week at UrbanMoms so if you’re desperate for your fix of my writing (hahahaa) you can always go there and I promise to eke out the time when I can to post here, too. Until then, may the wind be at your back, and your gich be skid mark-free.


  • Amanda, don’t ever doubt yourself, you are doing a great job! if any mom can do as great as you do they will be lucky. When you have those thoughts remember just to enjoy the moment, your kids will grow up fast. XO

  • You are doing an AMAZING job, Amanda. I can’t believe how much you pushed through this past year, all while never losing that awesome sense of humor you have.

    Love you. :)

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