Little O' This

You Can’t Make Me

I’ve got a bad back. When it flares up, the pain is ever-present and it really puts a damper on my day(s). After months of weekly massage and chiropractic treatments I finally caved and went to physiotherapy. The therapist did a full assessment of my body and ascertained that most of the pain in my back was a result of an old injury (thanks a LOT, Jet-Ski!) and severe weakness in the muscles surrounding it. She gave me a few simple exercises to do each night that would help to build up the strength in my back. So, for the first couple weeks I was pretty diligent in doing them. Then, I noticed that the pain was significantly reduced. So, logically, I stopped doing the exercises. And now my back hurts again. And I have come to realize that I am a little rebel: I HATE doing what someone else tells me I should, even when it’s for my own good and makes me feel miles better than I do when left to my own devices. And I am also lazy. I like getting massages, not only because it feels good, but because it’s putting the job of fixing me into someone else’s hands. I don’t want to do it for myself; I want someone else to make it all better.

Anyone else a lazy rebel at heart?

How do I fix that part of me? Rather, how can I get someone ELSE to fix that part of me?


  • I have no idea, but if you find out how, let me know, because I am EXACTLY the same.

  • you have been a rebel since before you were born!

  • ACUPUNCTURE!!!! Best thing in the world!

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