Little O' This

Two Truths and a Lie

My parents used to host a Christmas party in our home every year.  Dear mom would spend days preparing the most delectable spread imagineable, including rich cheesecakes, tantalizing appetizers and mulled cider.  As a young girl I usually closed my bedroom door while the party went on and occasionally slipped out to sneak another sliver of cake while the grown-ups did grown-up things like chat about the economy and the state of our government. (I’m sure their discussions were more lively than that, but to my eight year-old ears it sounded quite dull.)  Each year my dad would take it upon himself to plan a game for everyone to play at the party.  And each year my mom would end up in a fit of riotous laughter during the game.  One year they played a game called "Two Truths and a Lie" wherein each individual was given a sheet of paper and were to write on it two truths and one lie about themselves.  Then everyone else had to guess which of the three statements was the lie.  People were able to ask questions about each of the statements to try to ascertain if the claims were true or false.  Whenever my mom’s paper was read she would begin to crack up.  She would try to hold back her laughter but was unable to maintain a straight face.  Then if anyone pressed her for details about her statements she would try to come up with something smart to say but then break into uncontrollable laughter.  I remember hearing her cackling belly laughs echo down the hallway to my bedroom.  And I loved it.  I am thankful that my mom has always been one to laugh so freely, to have tears stream down her cheeks as her body shakes with the sheer force of her unabashed chuckles. 

Just for fun, here are my two truths and a lie:

1. I have bungee jumped off of a 140-foot bridge

2.  I don’t pick up Rolo’s poop when I take him for walks

3. I have a scab collection

Any guesses?  Anyone else care to play?


  • Stop it, you’re scaring me.

  • Please please let #3 be the lie.

  • I don’t think you have a scab collection! (You DON’T have a scab collection, do you? Do you??) If #1 is true, I’d be interested to know what that was like!

  • I don’t think you’ve bungee jumped, and I’m pretty sure you’d rather make Rolo wear a diaper than clean up his poop, so I have to say I think you must have a scab collection. (I gagged a little typing that word.)

  • #3

  • Haha! I would hope that #3 is the lie as well.

  • I’m guessing that number three is a lie simply because even if a person did that, I don’t think they’d post it on their blog.

    Sorry I haven’t been commenting, I lost track of everyone’s blogs for a while and now I have a lot of catching up to do. i like your new one.

    You can find my three truths and a lie on mine.

  • You clean up after Rolo you dirty scab collector.

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