Pregnancy, Rolo The Wonder Pooch


It’s been months since I’ve slept through the night uninterrupted.  Perhaps my body is preparing itself for the trials of tending to a needy baby in the night.  My bladder has been on the offensive, waging war against my need for sleep and I have been having to get up to pee at midnight, then two am, then four am, and then six am.  Just as I have drifted back to sleep after the six am draining, Rolo will begin to whine that it’s his turn to go pee.  I try to call him up onto the bed because sometimes a bit of cuddling will distract him for a while so I can doze a few moments longer.  More often than not, though, Rolo’s whining does not abate and I am forced to haul my weary bones out of bed and let him out to pee.  The trouble is, as soon as I open the door he darts out like a bullet, barking like a rabid fool, as he tells the quail that he is their lord and master for another day.  It’s so annoying.  I usually just toss him outside and stumble back to bed, hoping he’ll be a good dog and just go pee and then lie quietly on the cement pad.  But no.  He barks and he barks and he barks until I finally drag myself out of bed again to bring him in.  Then he jumps on our bed and makes out with Steve. 

Usually by then I am fully awake and lately I’ve actually been somewhat productive in the morning.  Like today, I made puffed wheat squares to take to my staff meeting and also assembled our baby’s bassinet.  Go me.

Normally I am not much of a morning person. 

Or a night person, for that matter. 

I am good between 10 am and 9 pm.  An eleven hour window is all I’ve got, so I try to make it count.  I used to be able to stay up until the wee hours of the morn, but now when 9 pm rolls around I start brushing my teeth and getting nestled under the covers to read for a bit.  Boring? I don’t care.  Sleep is just so very sweet and I know I will never fell fully rested again once this baby meets the air so I’m simply savouring the last of my slumber. 


  • Savor it indeed! I am often in bed by 9 too because my days are busy chasing after a toddler.

  • I so remember the 2hourly wakings to pee when I was pregnant. I truly believe it lets you preview nights with a newborn. Once the baby comes you will be surprised at how good 2 or 3 hours of non pregnant sleep actually feels.

  • It does sound like your body is getting ready for baby :). I do hope you can get some rest soon!

  • I find if I cut out drinks after supper, it helps with the night wakings for pee breaks :)

    Baby B will be worth the nightly wakings!

  • Ditto to Angella. It worked for me.
    Sooo excited for Baby B!

  • I remember that when I was pregnant with Sarah, Travis was up more times in a night than I was. I’ve heard of sypmathy pains, but that was the first I’d heard of sympathy pees!

  • That’s an awful lot of peeing. You should just get a catheter.

    Your baby is going to be a real-live crying person so soon!! Is your due date still August 17th?

  • If I don’t drink before bed, I end up waking up thirsty – which is more distracting that stumbling to the bathroom in the dark – so I’m having my cup of raspberry leaf tea (after week 35 it’s supposed to be good for the uterus according to my midwife) before bed.

  • Once your Babe is here, the sleep you get between nursing will be the best sleep ever. You’ll feel as though you were in a coma then wake up, nurse, then back to the coma. It’s wonderful!!!

  • I was so lucky and never had to get up to pee in the night! Once it is a baby you are getting up for you will be glad to get out of bed and cuddle your little girl!!

  • I used to wake up to pee a lot too but now I just sleep through it and change the sheets in the morning.

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