Friends Are Swell, My Girl, My Girl 2.0, My Girl 3.0

A Unicorn, A Horse and Little Red Riding Hood Walk Into a Bar

Well, they didn’t actually walk into a bar, but they did go trick-or-treating and got so hopped up on chocolate and high fructose corn syrup that they are still kind of buzzing.

We had our annual tradition of sharing a pizza dinner with some good friends then heading down to the grandparents’ neighbourhood for some good ol’ fashioned trick-or-treating. We were joined by an Adorable Bunny, a Puppy and a Winter Princess.

Good times with friends. So thankful.

Enjoy stealing your kids’ candy! It’s for their own good!


  • LOVE. So cute.

  • Looks like you all had fun! Love the costumes :)

    Also, your hair always looks perfect. I need hair lessons from you!!

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