Friends Are Swell, Little O' This, Weight


I’m just going to come right out and say it: I’ve joined Weight Watchers.

I never thought I’d see this day. For years I have sworn by the “Just Listen To My Body” mantra, but the problem is that my body kept on telling me to dip my fries in a litre of ranch dressing and have a scoop of ice cream daily. The time has come for me to teach my body a few things about sensible, balanced eating.

Needless to say, the past three days (that I’ve doing WW) have made for a hungry, grumpy lady who daydreams of taking a naked swan dive into a pool of ranch. I can tell it’s working already though. That little rumble in my tummy, the feeling of my body snacking on a saddle bag, the slight gnawing feeling that remains after I drink some water. It’s good and bad.

I lost all my pregnancy weight by just listening to my body but now I’m stuck at the same jiggly plateau I’ve been on for the past five years. And I’ve just realized that I don’t have to stay here. I am going to give it a go, eat my veggies, count my points, and dance a little jig when I get to use my flex points at the end of the week (hello, Boston Pizza carb attack!). Realistically I’d like to lost 20 pounds. That’s not a lot, and I think I would feel so much better about myself there, not to mention the health benefits, yada, blah, etc.

My dear friend, Christy, is going to be my weight watchin’ pardner and I am certain that in three months’ time we’ll be strutting the beach in our string bikinis drawing whistles from men of all ages.

Wish us luck!



  • Good luck girls! It’s a great system that really works. :)

  • Good luck! I’ve heard really good things about WW lately so I’ll be cheering for ya!

  • You GO Girl!! Best of luck!

  • I just started WW 6 days ago, along with a friend, for the same exact reason. I had lost all of my pregnancy weight and then some after baby #2 just over 2 years ago, but my body is just not the same as pre-babies. I’ve done the plan before and it really does work if you stick to it. Good Luck!!

  • I’ve been thinking of hopping that bandwagon myself! Good luck to ya.

  • I have lots of friends who have had great success with WW. Best of luck!! :)

  • That’s awesome. It totally works. I’m on it right now. Currently way over my points. I love the success stories on their website. I look forward to the new one every week.

  • So you were just showing us a picture of you in a size four dress and now you want to loose 20 more! Wow…you must be hiding it somewhere. I am right there with you. I still have 9 deadly pregnancy pounds and then I want to go 25 more…35lbs…wow, that is like a good sized child hanging onto me. I have the self discipline of a knat. I am glad you have Christy, hope you guys make it. I will personally send you some string for your string bikini, color of your choice, if you meet your goal. I am just that encouraging!

  • I’ve done WW before and have been successful – lost 32 pounds. Then I got prego. I’ve lost the baby weight but I have a long way to go (pre-pregnancy I was trying to lose 80). So, I’ve been on the program again for about 9 weeks with 13 lbs. lost. It’s a low, slow weight loss but it totally works.

    What I like about it is you CAN eat anything, it’s all just in moderation. You don’t have to feel like you can’t have ice cream, just not every night (after a pizza dinner!) Also, because I’m nursing I get an extra 12 points…now it’s serious will power to use those points for good, not evil :)

  • Way to go for you! Weight watchers is a tried and true plan. It’s a plan that I too am considering seriously, it’d be nice to say buhbye to the baby weight. My mom did the WW back about 7 years ago and lost a little over 40 lbs. It’s very inspirational to see that the plan can work and so well. She gained great self esteem and had an awesome support system. You don’t need luck now that you’re on the wagon…you just need time.
    Have fun girls!

  • Oh brother!
    You Summerland girls are way to preoccupied with weight.
    I think you are all just fine the way you are. Watch yourselves. As an older woman I suggest that you will look back on these days of weight preoccupation and shake your heads.
    No hard feelings I hope, just some advice from someone who has been there.

  • I have done ww on several occaisons, after each of my girls and then just last fall. I always have success. I remember how hungry I was the first weeks but then how cool it was to not feel like that after I was into it for a few weeks. Good Luck! I liked the fact that the more I exercised the more I got to eat!

  • If you get any hotter, Amanda, you’ll have to seal yourself in a bubble to keep the men away. Seriously.

  • Good on ya! I have had some friends do the plan and all were VERY successful! I know you’ll do great!

  • Apparently WW is great (something I should no doubt try) but I just saw you. You DO NOT need to lose 20lbs. Seriously:)

  • Amanda,
    I apologize for the comment I left earlier. None of my business. Good luck with your WW.

  • Yay! I’ve been meaning to email you back but we’ve been fighting a second ear infection this week. I promise I will though!

    If it makes you feel any better, as far as hunger was concerned, the first week was the worst. It got so much better after that. I’m down 15 pounds in a little over 5 weeks and I feel SO MUCH BETTER.

    I don’t have any money, but do you know what? It feels just as good to go to a store and try on something that looks cute EVEN IF I CAN’T BUY IT.

    You’re going to get there in no time, I just know it.

  • seriously… I’m actually sitting here eating whipped cream from a can. What an inspiration you are!
    Do it for the “heathy” part… cause you look smokin’ good and have nothing to worry about from what I can see :)

  • Hiya! Wow, yeah, I have to hop on that “you just fit in a size four” bandwagon, but I suppose that some might say similar things about me. I am meeting with a nutritionist next week to, also, lose that extra 20 lbs. So, I will wish us both luck. Why is it, that when we lose that baby weight there seems to be this extra left over? I weigh the same I did before I got pregnant, but I did NOT look like this! :)

    Good Luck!!

  • Good luck with those last 20 lbs! You’ll have to keep us updated as to whether it’s working for you or not. I hope each week gets easier and easier for you!

  • Good for you Amanda.. I started Weight Watchers as well.. I have about 15 more to lose. I love it! It works for me.. Hopefully I can just keep it off!

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