Little O' This, Weight

What’s the Point?

That’s what I’ve been asking myself.

Not, what’s the point of living, or being a mom, or anything dramatic like that.

More as in, “what’s the point value of a nice piece of cheddar?” then finding out it’s about half of my allotted daily value so I instead choose to gum a dry, whole wheat sandwich filled with alfalfa sprouts (gag) and cucumber (nice and cool, but not very filling) and a lot of mustard to mask the lifeless taste.

It’s not been so bad, truthfully. The first three days were tough and I was fighting hunger pangs incessantly. But yesterday I found myself thinking, “I must be doing something wrong; I’m not ravenous and willing to sacrifice Rolo to the weight loss gods for a cupcake.”

I am already down three pounds, in four days,  which I know the bulk of is probably water weight, etc. but most people I know lose a lot in their first week of ww, then it steadies to a more conservative weekly loss.

OK, enough blather about that!

Yesterday I had a pedicure and it was divine.  My toes are now a lovely shade of ruby red and my heels no longer resemble the plains of the Sahara.  I had been given a gift certificate for a pedicure as a baby shower gift, nearly a year ago, and only got around to using it now.  Avelyn spent a couple hours at her future daycare provider’s home while I got my toes done and she did really well.  The woman who’ll be tending her is a stay-at-home mom with two young kids of her own and she’s only taking a maximum of two additional children, so I was lucky both to squeeze Avelyn in and also to have found a place that won’t be swarming with dozens of kids.

I am feeling really good about my impending return to work.  I think it will be a nice change of pace and make me appreciate motherhood that much more, after having a little break.  I’ll actually get a lunch hour all to myself that won’t involve a pint-sized person in a highchair throwing chunks of banana at my head while I try to eat my (gross, sprouty) sandwich in peace.







  • Sounds like you’re doing really well for the beginning round. Keep it up! (Sprouts? Blech…)

  • It is tough to leave the babies with someone all day but I do enjoy being able to eat my lunch and interact with people who can form complete sentences. Good Luck! I really enjoy your blog:)

  • I love sprout and cucumber sandwhiches. On of my faves. Although I do spread it with a touch of cream cheese. ;)

    Glad you are feeling well about your return to work and the care you have found for Avelyn.

  • No, you’ll just have my kids throwing chunks of whatever at your head instead. That is IF you decide to plague me on your lunch hours. Which I hope you do!

  • I know what you mean. When I did WW, (which I should really start up again, I haven’t had a baby yet, but I am pretty sure that I have put on 5 years worth of marriage weight, if there is such a thing)I was always disappointed when something a really wanted to eat meant I couldn’t eat for the rest of the week. It was usually something like chocolate. =) You should buy some of the food snacks that WW sells. I really like the chocolate and caramel bars. I also found that eating a low fat or fat free bag of kettle corn popcorn helped and if you have them in Canada, skinny cow ice cream is a lifesaver.

  • I’ve done Weight Watchers and have been very successful. Try to squeeze some oatmeal in the first week or so. It does fill you up and lets you plot for the rest of the morning when you’re not hungry how to spend your other points.

    Good luck!

  • I wish you all the best in your return to work. It’s pretty crazy how much you appreciate your kid after you’ve been away from them all day. For some reason, for us, it makes it okay to let them stay up until 10pm… uh oops, did I just type that out loud?

  • Can’t wait to see your toes! I need to get mine done. I don’t think your toes will want to be seen with my toes :)

  • Dieting sucks but you feel so good when you see the weight coming off. Good luck :)

  • Your such a fantastic writer – thanks for a “good morning” chuckle…

  • Thank you so much for your sweet comment. I love reading your site. Good luck with WW and that sweet baby of yours.

  • I went out with friends last night and a couple of the guys are doing WW, (along with their wives who weren’t there), and they could pick something off the menu and know exactly how many points it was, I think that’s a cool diet where you can figure it out even when you’re not at home! I’m sure you’ll do great and I hope when you reach your goal you feel you look as fabulous as everyone tells you that you do!

  • I have been a vegetarian for 20 years and I STILL hate sprouts. They taste like dirt to me.

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