Little O' This, Weight


I have had a pregnancy scare nearly every month since Avelyn was about two months old. Call me irrational, call me a worry wart, there is always some little pregnancy symptom that seems to make an appearance during my cycle. Then I start freaking out and I make myself late with the stress of it all.

“I think I might be pregnant,” I’ll confide to Steve.

Then he’ll roll his eyes and say, “Again?! You think you’re pregnant, again? Didn’t you think that last month, and the one before that? And what if you are? Will that change anything? No. So stop worrying about it. Now go get me a piece of pizza, woman.”

I am not ready for another addition to this family quite yet, although this month, as I was so diligently worried about the possibility of being pregnant, I came to realize that I’ve reached the point where I wouldn’t be too overwhelmed to have another child; after a few days of shock I would be excited. Avelyn is nearly a year old (crazy!) and the spacing between the two rugrats wouldn’t be unbearable.

If I could plan it my way, though, we’d wait another year before adding to the brood.


In Weight Watchers news, I’m sure you’re all dying to hear of my first weekly weigh-in, right? Prior to my flex point mini-binge (half a buffalo chicken sandwich and a fistful of fries) I was down four pounds. After that blissfully fatty lunch, however, I was up another so my net loss was three pounds. Knowing what I do now, I think I can credit that one-pound gain to the Bloat. Good ol’ period. Thanks for making me feel so good.

After I made it through those first three hungry days of the program, I’ve been feeling great. I am satisfied during the days and am happily filling my gut with frozen blueberries and enough air-popped popcorn to feed a family of nine.





  • three cheers for three pounds! Good for you :)

  • Oh, too funny about the pregnancy scares. I’m right there with you though!

    I work myself up, then I’m late, then I go buy those stinkin’ expensive pregnancy tests…then I am overwhelmed with relief because they are negative every single time.

  • Aww…Glad thing keep working out. Good job on the three pounds! I couldn’t make it past the first week!

  • Hey Amanda Tianna was 10 months old when I got Preggo with Kirb and it was great.We were already in the swing of baby world and they were great playmates. Don’t panic you will be great parents no matter what.

  • Um you know there are birth control pills available ;)

  • Ok, I remember those pregnancy scares after Kynan was born and they are never fun. But whatever God has planned is what is meant to be, right!?!? But even still, eek. And as for your weigh ins. I saw you yesterday and you look fantastic. No weigh ins neccessary, just those beautiful self portraits because you are stunning. Smiles.

  • I think I’m nuts to want another one so soon. But the husband keeps saying he wants a daughter and a part of me does too. I think if I wait to long it wont happen. Anyway, i just threw the birth control pills away. nice pic no need for weigh in!

  • Hey there Amanda, just thought I’d drop by to say hello… so hello.

    Oh ya… and next time you make a movie starring your toddler, you should maybe think about using background music that doesn’t centre on SMOKING DOOBIES!!! I’m the unfortunate one who had to explain to mom and dad what “pass the dutchie on the left hand side” really means.

  • When my son was born we thought we’d get pregnant again when he turned one. Then he turned one and we weren’t anywhere near ready. We said “When he turns two then”, well, he’ll turn two this fall and, well, SO not ready. Maybe when he’s three…

  • Good work. I’m excited to hear your news whenever it comes…

  • Maybe it’s my fault for sending those preggo vibes your way. Just kidding. Everyone should get to add to their families when it’s right for them! (But if it does happen unexpectedly Ben and Jerry are of great comfort). Way to go on the 3 pounds, are you trying to lose lots or just tone up? Maybe next time you get hungry you could just sign up for aquasize again and down that milkshake!

  • Janice: I know about those pills and faithfully take one every day.
    Steve: I seriously thought it was “pass the torch up on the left hand side” and they were referring to a relay race. I am so naive. Owell, the song’s got a good beat.

  • If you’re so worried, have him pull out. Duh!

  • you sound like me. I am convinced every month that I am pregnant and it freaks Ryan out. I am not ready, nor would be excited (at least at first) so I am praying that God allows us more time with Chloe until I am physically and mentally ready to go through that again.

    Way to go on the 4lbs. do you know that a lb of fat is about the size of an orange, so you just lost 4 oranges…now doesn’t that make you feel better!

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