Family Matters, Little O' This, Wedded Bliss


Tomorrow things change.

I will no longer be a full-time stay-at-home mom.  I will be a…wait for it…6/7-time stay-at-home mom.

Yes, my year of bliss has come to an end and our mortgage is swallowing us whole.  My going back to work every Monday will help keep our heads above water and I am looking forward to some adult interaction and the opportunity to use a skill set that doesn’t involve touching toxic diapers or calming a flailing-armed, tantrum-stricken baby.

In Father’s Day news, this guy celebrated his first:


He got a free breakfast from McDonald’s then we went out to the flying field to watch some remote control planes buzzing through the clouds.  After unsuccessfully trying to launch his plane (again, too windy and some parts were failing…such a finicky hobby) we had lunch at our house with Steve’s poppa and Sue.  On my third attempt to coerce Avelyn into napping, she surrendered and Steve and I plunked on the couch and watched a movie while she slept.  I hope Steve was able to relax and be reminded of what a wonderful daddy he is.

Happy Father’s Day to my dad as well!  You done good…look at how beautifully I’ve turned out (and so modest, too)!








  • Awww…happy first Father’s Day to Steve, and good luck tomorrow! It’s hard going back at first, but you’ll be okay. And so will Avelyn. :)

  • Sounds like a good “first” father’s day. I can’t believe how tiny Avelyn is in the picture…I’m sure this year just flew by for you! Hope you have a great day at work tomorrow!

  • Wow. A year just zips on by doesn’t it? I hope your first day back today goes well.

  • You are so lucky you got so much time off!!! In the states we get 6 weeks..usually unpaid! I am so jealous! But going back does mean adult conversation and more to eat than cherrios and mac and cheese!

  • Happy Fathers Day Steve. Oh first time daddy’s…they are the best. Ryan still marvels over the fact he is a “dad”. Everyone at church kept shaking his hand and slapping him on the back saying “Happy Fathers Day!” Gotta love daddy’s and daughters, so sweet.

  • Modesty is overrated.

  • You. Me. The Beanery. Let’s set a date for one of your Mondays :)

  • What no diapers?? I think Mondays will be good days for you! Glad you got to celebrate Father’s Day with Steve, sometimes it’s fun to spend the day doing things they enjoy!

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