Family Matters, Heavy, Little O' This

Smells Like (Quaran)tine Spirit

Hi, guys. This is a weird/scary/historic/confusing/overwhelming time to be alive, hey?

I am not typically an anxious person but I find my body and spirit humming with a kind of low-grade anxiety that makes me more irritable than usual, a tad quicker to exasperation, and a little worse at falling asleep each night.

Things have escalated quickly: a week ago we would have never imagined that schools would now be closed indefinitely and that the whole nation would be encouraged to stay in their homes, only leaving for essential reasons. The reports out of Italy are scary. We don’t want to end up like that, we want to be better prepared, to take the threat seriously but also not give in to panic or despair. Thus far, the thing that has become so very clear to me is just how privileged we are to live where we are, and to be able to have the means to gather enough food, to stay in our comfortable homes, and to know that our nationĀ  is supporting us. I am thankful. So very thankful.


(Out for our daily walk. We have enforced a 5 km minimum for everyone!)

The girls have been (mostly) great. I am so relieved they are the ages they are, and not the turdy toddlers they used to be, or else, wow. (So, mommas who are stuck home with little kids for the foreseeable future? You are amazing. It’s ok if they watch TV for the next three months and your home falls into shocking squalor and everyone just eats oatmeal until this thing blows over. I mean it. PLEASE don’t feel like you have to spring into Pinterest-y “Yay! Let’s Homeschool My Three Year-Old!” mode unless it gives you all life.) Also, for people who are like, “Now I can finally write that novel!” or “This is a great opportunity to learn Latin!”…I, I am just not there yet. You do you; and I will do me. Which means, kind of finding a relaxed rhythm that works for everyone in this house, and not putting pressure on myself to be extra productive because I don’t think we need added expectations right now. And if I feel like watching a show…I’mma gonna watch it.

This is what Steve and I presented to the kids yesterday. It’s not strict, it’s just a framework to guide us. So far it’s been pretty well received.


(If you’re wondering what the mention of “Plus One” is…it’s an idea we heard about years ago from the Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield. If we could all live like this, I think that would be great.)

I listened to this podcast today and it helped to name some of the things that have been swirling inside me. Maybe it will help you too. No answers, just creating a bit of space to sit with the feelings and sift through them.

Since we’ve been housebound, I have been cooking and baking more, especially trying to use things out of the pantry and freezer. This tuna noodle casserole, while not the most glamorous, was delicious and you probably have most of the ingredients on hand. (It’s not a gross one that uses canned soup as a base…you make your own white sauce. Let’s get FANCY!)

Today during our “Plus One” time (which could also affectionately be called Child Labor Hour) the kids peeled approx 800 apples and made homemade applesauce so tomorrow I am going to try my hand at this.

How is everyone else holding up out there? I hope you can find some peace and joy and beauty in every day, amidst the unknowns and the stress.

In the wise words of Moira Rose:




  • Amanda, you are wonderfully hilarious. Thanks for this!

  • I love you.

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