Domesticity, Family Matters, Heavy

Never Enough

One’s priorities regarding consumables become very apparent when one is faced with the thought of not being able to have clear and easy access to them in the foreseeable future. While some shoppers flocked to the toilet paper, I found myself ensuring I would have a steady supply of heavy whipping cream in the fridge to last for our self-isolation. (I like a hearty splash in my morning coffee. No better way to start a new day.) For the past few weeks on my shopping trips I would buy a big jug of it, for fear it might be my last. So today, I found myself looking in the fridge and realizing that perhaps three litres of heavy cream may have been a tad ambitious, even for me. So, tonight we made this for dinner. Cheesy, creamy, super comforting and I felt really self-righteous about how we weren’t wasting all the cream that I panic-bought.

(Like I said, I am taking the wins where I find them.)

I know this video has been making the rounds on social media but I found it enlightening. And then it made me panic that since I haven’t been sterilizing my groceries for the past two weeks that I will most certainly die and that it’s too late for us all. So. Take it with a grain of salt. When you know better, you do better, as the wise Maya Angelou said.

I continue to find solace in my daily walks. I feel like a bit like Forrest Gump, like I could just keep walking. But then I remember it’s time to come home and break up the girls’ fist fights, watch weird shows on the internet, use an obscene amount of heavy cream in my dinner recipe and sit around the table with my family and be thankful that we have made it through another day.

Part of this whole situation feels like waiting for a tsunami to come. As though we are just hanging out on an island, and we can’t even really see the big wave headed for us yet, but in our bones, we can feel its approach. And for every day it doesn’t strike, we are filled with gratitude, but also a residual fear of what tomorrow, or the next day, may bring.

So all we can do is be here right now.

Which is really all we ever could do, but now we know it in our spirits, not just our minds.





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