Little O' This


I’ve seen a few posts online where people are asked to describe what their perfect post-quarantine day will look like. Have you given that any thought?

Here’s my dream day, after this is all over:

I sleep in until 7:45 am. I get up out of bed to find the rest of the people in my house still fast asleep and I quietly pad over to the espresso machine and make myself a triple-shot mug of sweet morning nectar with a splash of heavy cream. I sit in the living room as the sun streams through the windows and onto my bare legs, and I see the lake and sky and I just take a few moments to breathe it all in, feeling so thankful and alive.

Then the kids peacefully wake up, eat breakfast and THEN THEY GO TO SCHOOL. I wave at them out the window as they leave, and tears of joy trickle down my face.

Then Steve and I take the dog for a nice, long morning walk. Then I meet up with some close friend for lunch. And when we greet each other, we hug. And it’s, like, a three hour lunch INSIDE A RESTAURANT and beautiful waiters bring us beautiful food and we have bread with butter and some white wine.

lunching ladies

After I bid adieu to my friends, I go to ALL OF THE THRIFT STORES and I spend hours rifling through Covid-free second-hand clothes and I find the dreamiest designer cardigan and a pair of jeans that fit me perfectly and all sorts of amazing deals on stuff for me and the kids.

Then I come home and have a nap.

Then the kids come home from school and I am so happy to see them, and also so happy that I DID NOT HAVE TO TEACH THEM A THING ALL DAY and I send another thank-you email to all their teachers for being so amazing.

Then we order in sushi for dinner. Because I am pretty sure I am going to be taking a one-month break from cooking after all of the pandemic nonsense is over.

Then we head out to our yard and sit around the fire pit (we don’t have one yet, but fingers crossed it happens while we are in self-isolation) and make s’mores. Then we come inside, get into our jammies and watch a great movie that everyone loves and we all fall asleep nice and early and it’s just the best.

Doesn’t that sound so lovely?

What will your perfect post-pandemic day look like?


  • My dream day is tagging along with yours…

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