Domesticity, Family Matters, Life of Leisure (Bah!)

Oh, Hi!

Hi! It’s been a bit of a ride, hasn’t it? I haven’t blogged in months because life kiiind of got back to some strange semblance of normal (read: I went back to work and didn’t have as much time to stew about my existential pandemic-related dread and write to strangers on the internet in a desperate attempt to connect and distract myself from a frightening reality). Since then, the world has continued to go through some major shifts, to say the least. And yet, life marches on. Just with more hand sanitizer.

Anyone else swing from feeling like we are all going to be OK to a deep and fearful sense that it’s just a matter of time before the virus seeps its way into our community?

The kids finished up their homeschooling year and let’s just take a moment to acknowledge that I hated it just as much (if not MORE than) I ever dreamed I would and I want to give every teacher I know a bottle of champagne and $500 and a non-socially-distanced hug while I weep and tell them I am so thankful for all they do.

Now we are in…summer break? I guess?


It just feels like more of the same but with less Google Classroom-related frustration. Also, can we agree that unlimited screen time is OK? The kids are watching some pretty great shows these days and I love that they are old enough to be introduced to the works of Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig and Adam Sandler.

When my work schedule amped up again, the pendulum of my culinary prowess swung HARD to the left and we were back to our, “Just dig out the least freezer-burned pizza and call it a day!” ways. Turns out that time is the key ingredient and sometimes this Momma has it and sometimes SHE DON’T.

The garden we panicked-planted is thriving and we have approx 1600 lbs of potatoes so I see a lot of poutine in my future and I’m not mad about it.

The orchard got hailed out in a random June storm and the apples are so damaged we won’t be able to salvage any of them. Thanks, 2020.

There are still so many unknowns about how we should be living right now, what’s OK and what’s not OK, what will the fall look like (please, let there be school. PLEASE?)

I continue to be so thankful that we live in Canada (and especially in BC…pretty sure I’m going to get a Dr. Bonnie Henry neck tattoo to pay tribute to her wise leadership through the pandemic) and all we can do is take each strange, beautiful complicated day as it comes.


Happy mid-July! Stay safe, friends!




  • I’m so sorry to hear that the apples we’re wiped out by hail. That is crazy.

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