
Good-Bye and Thank-You

As this year comes to an end and we prepare for 2021, I wanted to take some time to reflect on what the past year held for me. It was hard and scary at times, but in the midst of it, there was deep growth and learning.

I healed.

I came home to myself.

I rested.

I listened.

I wept.

I walked (like, a lot).

I opened.

I shed.

I grew.

I danced.

I gardened (for sure didn’t see that one coming).

I found my voice.

I wrote.

I sang.

I loved.

As we walk together into this New Year, this is my deep hope for us:

“And I pray
When we meet again
That the world has changed
Into the world that we are imaging now together
And I pray that the world has become
The world that we’re planting inside of ourselves
For each other
For our ancestors
And for our kids”

-The Bengsons (lyrics from their wonderful Keep Going On Song)

Also, this:

ACS-0555 ACS-0556

Love to you all.