Life of Leisure (Bah!)

Days of Our Hives

Today marks my first official day of maternity leave.  I had an interesting start to the day:  after taking Rolo for an early morning stroll I thought I would be a good li’l farmer’s wife and do a bit of work in the orchard.  (We planted five acres of new baby apple trees last year and will not be harvesting the new planting this season.  As such, all of the little apples need to be thinned off of the trees so that the vigor will pour into the tree itself and not the fruit.   There’s your orchard lesson for the day!)  So I waltzed into the rows, ipod humming in my ears, Rolo by my side, and began to lob the tiny apples off of the branches.  After a few rows I noticed that my arms were feeling mighty itchy, but I didn’t think much of it.  Happily dropping apples, I continued, while the itchiness intensified.  Weird.  Whatever, though.  After a few more rows my arms began to burn and I looked down and saw that they were crimson and covered with white hives!  I ran inside and called Steve to see if he had sprayed some kind of toxic chemical on the apple trees and he said no, but I hopped in the shower and tried to rinse off my tainted limbs.  I guess I had also happened to scratch the back of my left thigh and the top of my right bum cheek while I was thinning apples and I had hives in those special areas too.  I have NEVER had an allergic reaction to anything ever before and was more worried that if something was going haywire with my system that it might be harmful to the baby.  So after my shower and I booked it up the medical clinic and pleaded with the secretary to squeeze me in for a quick appointment with a doctor I had never even met.  She was a bit of a bag, but the physician was nice and assured me that the baby was in no danger and I had simply had an allergic reaction and could take some Benadryl if I wanted to.  By this time the itch had begun to subside and the hives were getting smaller so I just went home instead.
So, I guess I’m allergic to the orchard.
The rest of the day was good.  I baked chocolate chip cookies and two loaves of banana bread to freeze, then reorganized some kitchen cupboards then had egg salad for lunch then helped a friend clean the suite she’s moving out of.  It’s just so nice not to have a rigid schedule and be able to come and go as I please.  
Unfortunately Steve has to take the laptop to work with him every day until his new one comes in, so I am left alone and without unlimited access to all of my blogging buddies. 
It’s lonely without you. 
He should be getting his new computer soon so here’s hoping I can make it for a few days without being perpetually connected to this world that I love so dearly. 


  • I’m glad to hear you are feeling better. Save some energy for later, girl. Rest as much as you can. You’re going to need it. Have a wonderful time in the last stages of your pregnancy. You are gorgeous. You truly do glow.

  • I’m so excited that you are on maternity leave for two reasons.

    #1- It means baby girl is coming SOON
    #2 – So you can spend time with ME ME ME!

  • I’m sorry about your hives…but glad that you’re feeling better. Enjoy your time to yourself before the baby arrives, she’s going to be hear before you know it.

  • Enjoy this time before baby, and now that you’re allergic to the orchard, what shall you do?!?
    It’s pretty fun being off work. :)

  • I was wondering where you were! Poopy about the hives…though it’s a GREAT excuse to not work :)

  • YAY for maternity leave=) I had an ‘itch’ during my first pregnancy too. It’s no fun. Glad it’s going away for ya.

    Enjoy your free time=)

  • Oh, Amanda. Life is always so full of adventure and drama with you. I’m glad you’re my friend.
    PS. I too am glad for your mat leave. So you can spent time with ME ME ME!!

  • Glad to see you’re free from work but the internets and I will miss you.

  • Hi Amanda, first time commenter but been reading you for a while! I am 40wks1day today and waiting for the arrival of our baby, your post about baking banana bread caught my eye, would you share your recipe?
    THANKS sarah….

  • Nothing better than a legitimate excuse to get out of work:)

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